Somebody Else-Act 5.5

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~Unknown POV~

Its so dark. Weirdly dark. My head burns, I haven't seen anybody else in a while.

Its been a few days, right?

I wonder what Coiny thinks. I... I wonder what she thinks. She probably hates me. Right? I mean, those things I did... Those things I said.

"Not now." My ears ring lightly, and I take a deep breath. The floor is cold, but It's a good cold. Like a cold shower after... After... He's right. I should have just lived closer to everyone.

"It's your mistake." Their words burn like candle flame, "You know that... Needy." My mind runs blank. I can't do anything. I raise my hand impulsively and harshly slap them. I slap them so hard my hand feels hot. I pull it away and notice it's suddenly wet.

"Don't call..." I look at my hand and notice something horrible. My hand is covered in deep grey. I feel faint. Is this... Is this what happened to everyone else?

"Payback, isn't it?"

"What do you want?" My legs give out, and I drop to the floor. They laugh eerily, ringing like the squeaking of a door.

"Maybe you should ask yourself the same." Their eyes illuminate above my head, "Needle, I need you to do something for me." Their voice is low and growly. Completely unfamiliar.

"Yes?" I ask quietly, they laugh at my incompetence.

"Coiny and Pin are apart now, you need to drive the wedge deeper in their relationship."

I drag my mind away, I can't believe I did that. I hope they still like each other. I... I have to listen, I don't want to die.

But... Do I want to die?

"I-I don't want to." I reply, and the voice seethes, "Coiny and Pin should be happy together, I... I have my sights on someone else anyway." The voice scoffed lightly.

"They're dead now. It doesn't matter." Their voice wobbles, I feel their gristly hand on my neck, "You never bothered to tell..."

She was right. I never ended up confessing. I never told them.

"You never told... Her." I feel her hand push down tighter, "I can bring her back... If..." Her mouth curls into a smile. I purse my lips and debate it for a moment.

"If I pull the two apart?" I feel tears collecting in my eyes. Pin and Coiny were always so close. I liked being close, but they all moved far away. I moved to Yoyleland. I... I never enjoyed my time with them.

"Pin's gotten too greedy." I feel her voice rise from the collective, "You want me back, right?" It isn't her. It was never her.

Not when she told me to tell Pin to kiss Coiny.

Not when she said I had to disappear.

Not now as I'm pinned to the cold bathroom floor.

Because she's never talked.

She would never talk... to me.

"I want her back." I feel my voice come out without input, "I'll do whatever you need me to." They release their grip, and smile.


-500 context is key, also, Leafy chapter is after this one. I'm so sorry about that cliffhanger y'all!-

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