The Facility-Act 3 Finale

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~Subject 1: Arms, POV~

I feel sick. So sick. My memory is fuzzy, I can't remember anything past last afternoon. That's when she took it away from me. I don't remember her name, but it wouldn't do me any good. My second set of arms isn't natural, I know that much. So what does that mean? I... I don't know.

"Shh!" I quickly inhale through my teeth, a sharp spike of aching pain shoots through my abdomen. I might have to get used to that. My chamber glows a disturbing blue green hue, the light echoes from behind these long cloth sheets. They're soft, but when I run my hand across them it sends a chill down my spine. I... I don't know why I'm monologuing like this. I just don't know.

I lean against the cold metal wall, listening to the occasional whisper of gears twisting. Then I hear her voice.

"Crap. Crap. Crap." Her voice is frantic, and she rushes out from the main hall. I peek my head through the bars to stare.  A small off white letter is in her grips. She looks towards me and the other subjects before turning the lights off with a loud Flick! She pitter patters out, leaving the rest of us in the dusk.

"..." For a few seconds, theres silence, and then, "What?" An electronic voice mumbles. I reach my hands out, if I can just... Squeeze... Out. Something flickers it my head, an image, permanently stained. Like an arcade machine's screen after displaying the leader board for too many years.

6 girls are gathered up on top of a tall tower, the tallest holds a large camera, and I see the other 5 reflected in it. One of them... One of them I remember. But i'm one of those girls. There's more. But just as quickly as it stained, its cleared.

I feel sick.

I continue to push my way out of the bars, and I squeeze through. I had done this before. Many times. I don't think I remember. My spine chills as I step along the cold floor. She always wore boots. I guess that's understandable.

"What are you doing?" The girl asks me from inside her cell. To be honest, I don't know. Her eyes glow a white hue, and she's at the very corner of the chamber.

"I'm escaping." My throat is sore, but I manage to push the words out, "I want to leave." My head wracks with every spoken word.

I feel sick.

"You'll get caught again, she can just wipe your memory again." Her words are calm and precise, as if she's presenting work. Bogus.

"Look, I'm tired of this cycle. I don't even know who you even are!" My words shatter from my mouth, I catch myself yelling at her. I'm... Weirdly angry.

"I guess her experiments were a success, you always were stubborn." She cracks a smile, "You did turn around eventually." I look at the shadow in disbelief. I hear a loud door slam. And then, the rest of the power shuts off. Its just me and her. Breathing.

"Why do you act so loyal. It's not going to get you anywhere." I step towards her, my bottom set of arms dragging across the floor. She laughs. Not menacingly, but a giggle. I guess it's menacing when it begins to grow. I awkwardly laugh back.

"What's... What's so funny?" I ask, and she stands up in her cell, her face pressing up against the bars. Her face is radiating a horrible sense of mania. Why... Why do I know that word. Her creepy smile makes my blood curdle.

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