Under the Surface-Act 5

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~Pin POV~

The sirens go off early morning. I've lost track of time, when I'm by myself the bad thoughts start following me. Coiny talked to me last night, he told me that Needle was possibly dead. I don't believe it. Needle's fine, she's just elsewhere. Maybe she's in the underground lab. Right, she's probably in the underground lab. I head downstairs and sit down at the snack shack. Golfball is planning another meeting, nobody has attended these in a while. Golfball's been in a deep frenzy too. Am I one to judge? Goddamn it. I brush the ooze off my face.

"Pin! Thank you for attending." Golfball scrapes away at the blackboard. There's no more chalk, so she's coloring with tiny conversation hearts. The letters are all in different colors and shades. She's been nothing since Tennisball's death, she barely enters her room, she just roams around the resort. I sometimes see her sitting at a high chair, and she's talking to herself. She's a weirdo.

"Mmhmm." I hum in agreement. Where's Coiny? My eyes shoot around. I see Coiny a bit away, and motion for him to sit. He walks over, his expression is one of non importance. He sits next to me, and I greet him warmly.

"Today we'll be discussing..." Golfball's silent for a few seconds, her eyes glazing over, "... Nothing. There's nothing to discuss." She looks down, in deep concentration. Coiny snaps at me to look over at him.

"Pin, can we talk?" He frowns softly, he looks strangely remorseful. I nod slightly, I'll listen to him. Whatever he wants to say. Coiny points over to the towel return. Its the only place I haven't been to.

"Pin and Coiny, you're free to go." Her expression is blank, almost like a poker face. I can't tell what she's thinking. I don't need to tell what she's thinking. Coiny stands up and I grab his hand. We walk over to the door and he pushes it open. Its slightly damp, there's no sign of interaction.



She was here.

But there's no sign of her remains.

Not a speck of yellow.

Nothing. Coiny motions for me to sit next to him, and I do.

"Pin... I have a question."

(Warning, the next scene includes a strange moment.)

~Coiny POV~

It was just me and Pin in that room, and it was eerily silent. I looked to her in hopelessness. Although, there was still a way out. The laboratory. I wanted to ask her about the Needle stuff, but also if I should propose a lab search. Taco told me about Book and others down there.

"Pin... I have a question." I begin, cautiously awaiting a response. Pin has been a loose cannon lately. I don't know if she's going to take the Needle stuff well. Pin nods slightly.

"It's about our relationship." I look to the floor. How do I tell her this isn't healthy. That we need some space apart. Pin nods a bit deeper. She etches next to me, something... Something is wrong.

"I was wondering-" But I'm cut off very quickly by her pulling me into a kiss. My stomach drops, and I feel my heart split.

I... I wanted her to do that... Right? I wanted Pin to kiss me. I've been in love with her for years. Now though... It's weird. It feels bad for her to kiss me. She pulls away and my face is frozen. My mouth is slightly open, I guess I'm in awe? I don't feel like it. I feel sick. My head hurts.

"What's wrong?" Her voice has an air of manipulation. I can't respond. I don't like this. I don't like this. I didn't want this. The door slowly creaks open, and I push Pin away from me.

It's Firey.


~Taco POV~

I swiftly headed down the ladder, locking the trapdoor on my way down. Bits of rust have been pulled off by our climbing, which makes this climb a bit more smooth than the first time.

It's time to check on Book, I've left her down here for a while. When I arrive I find that most of these guys are out of their cells. Except Liy, I understand that though. Ruby and Book are both out, but I'm not sure at all where Ruby is.

Book is in the cafeteria, she's eating some leftover slop. I'd provide her with other food, but we ran out this week. Maybe I should bring up some of her slop food.

"Hey Book, about that USB. We don't actually have a way of using it. Ruby destroyed the only computer in this place." I take a seat next to Book and she nods solemnly.

"Right." She takes another bite. I think for a moment before pulling out my lettuce. Its not for me, plus if I ate it that would be really gross. I hand it to Book.

"Here, have some actual food for once." I rest my head on top of my arm, and watch as she takes a hearty bite, "Don't eat it all in one place!" I chuckle, and Book reciprocates. Book didn't go on to win TPOT, just like I didn't win BFB. But that doesn't really matter much to me. I'm sure whoever won had fun with their prize, and I'm sure that grand cake was as terrible as always.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice a small flicker of the light. Its slightly off putting, but I try to forget. The slop in Book's bowl begins to shudder, and spills next to me. We don't get earthquakes. All of a sudden the bowl is picked up and thrown at a wall mid air. Some kind of magic. I see the flicker again. Who is that? Not Liy.

Book begins to shudder and her head flips around a few times.

"That sound! Radio!" Book turns just in time and catches all four pieces of the shattered bowl just before they collide with me.

"Book." A robotic voice begins, "Oh thank goodness. Nice to see you again Taco." Out from the darkness walks a pride faced girl.


~Needle POV~

"What did she expect?"

-1029 words, Sorry about the weird Pin and Coiny scene, but hey, at least y'all have Remote now!-

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