Thank You Mother Earth

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Thank you, Mother Earth, for your generosity.

All that you give me nourishes me.

Your bounty and goodness sustain me.

Your boundless generosity is plain to see.

In Spring, you give me the lovely strawberry,

Sweet, juicy and laden with vitamin c.

In Summer, my cup runneth over,

With colour, quantity and variety.

You give me freely and generously:

Peach, cherry and blackberry.

From your vines come melon, cucumber,

grape and tomato with so much variety.

Your Fall's generosity is boundless; we feast it yearly:

Apple, pear, pumpkin, squash, cranberry and celery.

You provide me the nut of the pine and the hickory.

And more, so much more, even turnips and chicory!

Even in Winter, your time of rest,

You give me maple syrup for breakfast.

I'm so grateful to you, and shameful too

Because I'm doing so little for you.

And the little I do is hurting you: I now see.

I'm sorry for failing you: please forgive me.

Unknowingly, I bit the hand that feeds me.

Henceforth, I will tread more carefully.

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