Day of Reconciliation 2022

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Canada, oh dear Canada!

Why is it so hard to let go

Your institutional bias?

Centuries have gone by

And our bureaucratic heart

Is still cold like stone.

Thousands of children have died

And many more women too,

Some just adolescents.

Why is racism and bigotry

Still enshrined in government policy,

Against the wishes of the polity?

Is Canada not a real Democracy,

Or is that in name only?

Why are we still ruled by

The monarch of another country,

Contrary to the tenets of Democracy,

And whose racial biases are now well known?

Is it time, oh Canada,

To remove the yoke of royalty

And govern ourselves bias free?

It's time to burn the prejudices,

and watch ALL your children grow,

with equal opportunity.

Children are our future;

Children are your future too.

Oh Canada, what are you waiting for?

Set yourself free

Of racism and monarchy!

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