Class Warfare is what We Have Today

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Life is good today, I hear you say.

Thanks to technology,

We live in luxury.

I'm not sure about what you say.

Not everybody lives in luxury,

The bulk of society knows only poverty.

The captains of industry play unfairly.

They break all the rules, show no civility,

And create immense wealth inequality.

You exaggerate, you tell me.

Look at health and life expectancy.

The truth is plain to see.

That's all in the past, I say to you.

Things have changed dramatically,

And you choose not to see.

About the past, I can agree,

But society's future viability

Looks quite bleak to me.

That past success, you hold so dear,

Was achieved cunningly, you see.

They put tons of debt on our progeny!

What looked like a miracle of technology,

Was all smoke and mirrors, you see.

That mountain of debt is the storm you don't see.

People have gotten lazy, you say.

Hard work is a thing of the past.

That's the problem today.

On this, I totally disagree.

The problem is not people like me.

The problem is the greedy nobility.

They take more than their fair share,

And refuse to pay taxes to sustain society,

Leaving the burden to people like me.

We're in the midst of class warfare, you see.

The wealthy are robbing both you and me,

In ways that are incredibly hard to see.

They're undermining government,

Creating mountains of public discontent,

And destroying democracy, so they can rule by decree.

Your glamorous past is history.

The sky over the horizon looks stormy to me.

We're in need of a course correction.

Wouldn't you agree?

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