Earth Will Burn

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Earth will burn some day.

Please don't dismay.

It's humanity's legacy,

A gift from you and me.

I'm alarmist, you say.

I wish it weren't that way.

I wish you could see

That the problem is you and me.

You point the finger at government,

Forgetting that they're incompetent.

And while they're part of the problem too,

The solution lies with me and you.

We have the power, you and me

To see things differently.

We can change the world and society,

With little or no cost to you or me.

You struggle to see

What is evident to me:

Consume less and waste less,

Everything else is pointless.

With earth getting hotter by the day,

You add more fuel to its furnace every day.

Any child can tell you

That's the wrong thing to do.

We need to consume less, so what do you do?

You buy a monster house and cool and heat it too.

You buy a gas guzzler and drive longer distances too.

You take more vacations and fly a lot more too.

Don't get me wrong, I did all those things too.

But that's history for me; what about you?

I only live once, you say. Everyone else is doing it anyway.

The problem is the government, not me or you.

That's why I say to you,

Planet Earth will burn.

And it's because of you,

All because of you!

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