The Unholy Trinity

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Has he been lying to you?

You should know, lying isn't new.

It's the lubricant of society.

Everyone indulges in its profanity.

Don't be surprised; everyone does it,

Even the bastions of morality!

Have faith in god, they tell you.

But you know it's not true: they do the opposite of what they tell you.

Politicians shouldn't surprise you.

Vote for me, they say, I will work for you.

But you know it's not true.

They work for wealthy bullies who run all over you.

And the wealthy bullies do it to.

The poor are lazy, they tell you.

But you know it's not true.

They just want to screw them, as well as me and you.

If truth is foundational to democracy,

Lies are foundational to autocracy.

We're now in a period of demagoguery.

And the future will bring more asperity.

Power and might – the unholy trinity –

Ganged up on the likes of you and me;

Dismantled our caring society, abused our dignity,

And trampled on our democracy!

All along they told us to be meek, by the way.

They promised that we'll inherit the earth some day.

Lies and more lies they fed us each and every day.

They will have front-row seats come judgment day!

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