Eden's Garden

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She looks out the window and birds are everywhere,

Flying here and flying there, with flair and fanfare.

With little energy, they dance majestically:

Sky and Earth living in perfect harmony.

Eden's garden feasts the eyes and a feeds the bees.

Laden with golden rod, poppy, pansy and peony,

Busy bumble bees and butterflies visit it regularly:

Flora and fauna living in perfect harmony.

She opens the window to respire the fragrant air.

It's laden with titillating scents – the perfumed air.

Its intoxicating aromas work magically,

Mesmerizing her almost instantly.

She reawakens in a daze and her eyes tear freely.

Everything is gone: the fragrance, the colour, the activity.

No more flowers; no more birds; no more butterflies and bees,

And no more Nature harmony.

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