Confessions of a Climate Denier

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This wasn't supposed to be.

From eight billion, now just me.

Some people said it would end this way.

Prophets of gloom, we said, go away!

I was a captain of industry,

And I believed in technology.

It solved myriad problems daily,

And we worshipped it as a divinity.

Just like the straw that broke the camel's back,

That last ton of CO2 cracked planet Earth's too.

Fires started spontaneously and spread hellishly,

Until there was nothing left to see.

People with bunkers, like me,

Escaped Armageddon three.

We had supplies for a long emergency.

We had hedged our bets, you see.

But nothing grows on a scorched earth,

The survivors dwindled to just me,

As far as I can see.

I repent now: it was our hubris.

We put humans in space for all to see,

But we couldn't tame Mother Nature's fury.

It's a hard-learned lesson, you see,

But I fear it will die with me.

So I keep searching for others like me

And a new chance for humanity!

Earth PoetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ