The Big-Bang Universe

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Before you can blink

The Big Bang is over.

From nothing, a whole universe,

A hot soup of elementary particles.

But nothing to see

The soup is opaque.

Nothing can escape,

Too hot for atoms to exist.

Slowly the soup cools,

And radiates its energy,

In all directions evenly,

And we begin to see.

No stars to see yet,

No planets or galaxies,

Nor even atoms have formed yet;

Just pure energy that we can see.

But how can that be?

If there is no Earth,

There is no you and me,

And no way to see!

Initially, space expanded faster than light,

And the creation light is slowly catching up.

How? Please don't ask me.

It's to do with Einstein's theory of relativity!

All those microwaves inundating the deep blue sky

Were emitted fourteen billion years ago,

And are still travelling here this very day!

Anyway, that's what scientists say.

Space is still expanding, powered by dark energy.

The rest is dark matter that we also don't see,

And only five percent of the universe is light energy.

That's the Big-Bang universe, as explained to me!

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