Climate Change: What's New?

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Climate change is not only of the Anthropocene.

It also happened during the Holocene,

When Earth was so hot that Greenland was ice free.

And humans squeaked through it then, you see.

Even this major heating cycle was nothing new.

Climatic changes predate humanity too.

Earth's temperature changes quite regularly.

Consult Milankovitch for their frequency.

But this time, we have a real emergency.

Eight billion people helped push the mercury,

To what's considered an extremely high degree.

People! Spaceship Earth has an emergency!

Earth was never so crowded as now.

How it will end is hard to know.

It depends on you and me, to a very large degree.

We need to do things differently.

We breathe in and out very regularly,

Increasing Earth's temperature inexorably.

But more than that, we eat meat too:

Especially from cows that fart CO2.

But that's not all; we eat other meat too,

Like sheep, pigs, chickens and kangaroo.

Together, they produce more gas than humans do.

Goodness gracious, what will we do?

I will tell you, but will you be listening?

Reduce consumption of EVERYTHING!

I know it's hard to do, but it's what we MUST do,

To save ourselves and humanity too!

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