Creative Destruction: death of the planet

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There was a time, I say,

When we listened to music the old fashion way.

The strolling musicians came and went,

To the delight of the residents.

But then they came no more,

Replaced by the gramophone.

So many vinyls and turn tables, powered by electricity,

Discarded to the dustbins of history!

Cassettes, compact disks and iPods followed.

All wasting away, in Earth's crevices day by day.

There must be a better, less frivolous, way.

Creative destruction, as you call it, is not okay!

You claim that environmental concerns border on idiocy,

Not to mention hypocrisy.

And that we're better off today is plain to see,

All because of electricity.

I agree.

Creative destruction is good for the economy,

But certainly not for the ecology.

Senseless, careless creativity

Is laying waste our posterity.

The voices of the unborn are loud and clear,

Listen, they say, you had your way without our sway.

Please mend your ways or there won't be a future day.

Think of the legacy to your progeny.

I carry your genes: please be kind to me!

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