Pasta My Love

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Pasta, pasta, pasta,

How much do I love thee?

Let me tally the countless variety

Of shapes and dresses you offer me.

Fettuccine Alfredo: child of northern Italy.

You're a star everywhere in the world today.

I had you in Milan on a cold wintry day.

It was not the last time though.

You were dressed creamily, but not cheesy, I would say.

I warmed up to you instantly,

And you linger in my heart eternally.

Bucatini Alla Bolognese: child of the bourgeoisie.

You're an entry in everybody's book.

Chef Boyardee could never match your ragu.

You're easy to dress and have fabulous taste, too.

I have known you since I was twenty-two.

It was love at first sight,

And I've never stopped loving you.

Spaghetti Alla Matriciana: child of the aristocracy.

You never cease to delight me, you roman delicacy.

Do I remember our first night? Of course I do!

It was in Frascati, in nineteen ninety two.

From the old Villa, we could see St. Peter's too.

You were dressed in red, cheekily and aromatically.

I could smell your presence before you came to me.

(the sauce is made with wild boar cheeks)

Pappardelle Alla Sorrentina: child of southern Italy.

I will never forget the day we met in Sorrento.

You came to me with basil and cherry tomato:

An explosion of taste all their own;

And your suppleness: so well known!

We were dining on the patio above the sea,

And you were pure ecstasy!

Paccheri Alla Napolitana: child of the Amalfi Coast.

Mermaid of the sea you came to mesmerize me.

You came dressed scantily in red and green.

So desirous and delicious you were to me,

I will never forget the night you enchanted me,

It was in Ravello, high above the sea,

In the year of the lord, 1993.

Tagliatelle Ai Porcini: incredible child of the Earth.

Your aroma came to me invisibly.

You're the image of beauty and simplicity,

Relying on just porcini mushrooms and EVOO.

Your irresistible aroma and taste make me crazy for you.

I will never forget the first time I had you,

In La Sila mountains, where porcini grow.

I would do anything to have you again some day.

I continue to pray!

Pasta, pasta, pasta.

How much I truly love you,

No one will ever know!

Written in celebration of National Pasta Day 2022.

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