Organized Hate is in Vogue Today

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She's a mother committed to her family,

Who promotes an inclusive society.

She's an upstanding member of her community:

A doctor who helps the ailing of society,

And wants to be a school trustee.

No, says the leader of the hate committee.

That cannot possibly be.

She has dark skin, wrong religion,

And promotes abortion and LGBTQ rights.

That's strike three: she's not a suitable trustee!

So what does the hate committee do?

It sends her hate mail, harasses her,

And threatens her life too!

It vandalizes her election signs,

Denying our right of democracy.

Who are the members of the hate committee?

They share a white, anglo-saxon pedigree.

And act with an air of supremacy.

They are openly racist, anti-feminist,

And share a fascist ideology.

After many years of dormancy,

The Ku Klax Klan is back again,

With a big presence in cyberspace,

And a much bigger reach than before.

It has also captured the Tory Party.

(American readers can replace Tory with Republican)

It's not visible as it used to be,

But very active lately.

Don't forget the Ottawa trucker protests,

In January and February of 2022.

They had support from the Tory party too!

The KKK is the Yin of society.

It creates discontent and disharmony,

To destroy our liberal democracy,

So it can rule authoritatively,

And without any accountability.

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