A Mother's Tears

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Joyful tears at birth.

Sorrowful tears at death.

Children's faces covered with earth.

Mothers laugh with mirth.

More births than deaths,

More births than deaths.

Many mouths to be fed,

By Big Mama, in bed.

Big Mama has grown old and grey;

And cries almost every day.

What can she do or say?

Her children now hold sway.

They abused her physically;

They abused her chemically;

They abused her biologically.

And now, she shows her frailty.

But her children's arrows were boomerangs,

And it is they who suffer now.

As there is no more earth to plow;

No more seeds to sow;

And no more food to grow.

As Big Mama burns on her funeral pyre,

Her children face eternal fire.

Is it too late to save the human race?

Stop adding fuel to the fire!

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