Questions for Pope

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Hello Francis.

You devil, you!

Nice to see you

In your pope mobile,

On such a glorious day

Holding so much sway.

I have a few questions

To ask you, if I may.

Why do you dress this way?

Jorge didn't wear a dress

Not even a beanie,

When he was a working man,

From a working family,

Just like me.

You have put on airs,

It seems to me.

You pretend to be better than me.

People call you holiness and majesty.

Why don't you dress properly,

Like Jorge and me?

Why don't you live humbly,

As Jesus had meant it to be?

You remember his words, surely.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, said He.

And what's the parable about

The rich entering the kingdom of god?

I'm sure you know the one.

And here you are,

Living in palace luxury.

It looks like hypocrisy to me,

But surely, it can't possibly be!

You must be hiding a secret from me.

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