Watching Time Go By

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Time is the culprit, Einstein was rumoured to say,

When formulating his theory of special relativity.

Some say, time is a precious commodity.

Perhaps, they labour too much, I would say.

Time is precious, but it's no commodity.

It's precious, but a gift most certainly.

It's Nature's gift to you and me,

And given very liberally.

Does one ever stop to ponder the necessity?

Does one ever ask, Is rushing through life good for me?

Or whether it's good for my extended family,

Or even my community and the broader society?

Does one ever ask, who is pushing me?

Is it technology, society, autocracy, or simply me?

Modern life is mired in complexity

Due, to some extent, to imbecility.

They who pull the strings, we do not see,

But they're the ones rushing you and me.

My hair is white now and I can see.

So, I now sit back and write poetry!

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