There's only One Humanity on Planet 3

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Life is about survival, but we want more.

We want wealth, luxury and technology.

So we close our eyes and pretend not to see

That there's only one humanity,

Not two, three, four or more,

Only one humanity on Planet three.

We want more, so we get more:

Only monster homes, for you and me,

That come with a cost to humanity.

What could that cost be?

It's a cost that we don't see,

Or pretend not to see.

Beyond our shore, on the other side of the sea,

Live humans just like you and me.

Their skin is dark, so we don't see

That they suffer because of you and me.

We exploit their vulnerability,

So we can live in luxury.

High above the atmosphere is humanity's enemy.

His name is CO2, though he goes by other names too.

He's more dangerous than you and me,

But we pretend not see that he's affecting Planet three.

We're the ones who put him there, and daily grow his family

Because we want to live in luxury, beyond Earth's capacity.

So we close our eyes and pretend not to see

That we're killing Planet three, and we have no Planet B!

Earth PoetryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt