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Carmen, Chris, Eddie, and Dustin had their backs pressed up against each other as they held up their weapons and shields, hearing the Demobats trying to get into the trailer every five seconds.

Once their pounding had stopped, Dustin yelled, "Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?!"

The three older teens quickly shushed him. "Is that really necessary?" Eddie questioned before the Demobats clattered on the roof, making them all look up.

"They're on the roof," Chris pointed out.

"You think?" Carmen sassed, but Chris was too scared to even roll his eyes at that.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Dustin iterated before they followed the sound of their footsteps on the roof, stopping once they realized there was an air vent on the ceiling. "They can't get in through there, can they?"

Carmen went to go say something when a Demobat pushed open the vent, shrieking at them as it tried to fly inside. They all screamed as they tried to stab the thing with their spears.

At the same time, Beverly, Steve, Nancy, and Robin carefully climbed up to steps of the house so they didn't hit any vines and they didn't make any loud noises to alert Vecna of their presence.

They were then able to reach the top of the steps, taking out their weapons to prepare themselves to face Vecna, even if he would be in a trance where he couldn't see them.

As soon as they took a step forwards, though, the ground began to shake violently, causing them all grab onto each other and fall down onto the ground.

The shaking then stopped, making them all look at each other warily before they slowly stood up. All of a sudden, though, a tendril had grabbed Robin's foot and pulled her forcefully against the wall, wrapping more vines around her to keep her there. "Steve! Beverly! Nancy!" Robin screamed out of fear.

The three quickly rushed over and used their weapons to try and slice the vines away, wanting to free her just as fast as she had been caught. But as Steve swung his own axe back, a vine grabbed onto it and knocked it out of his hand, pulling him against the other wall. "Steve!" Beverly shouted, watching as he had been pulled up, a vine trying to strangle him.

"No!" Nancy yelped as she fell to the floor because a tendril had grabbed her ankle, throwing her against the wall next to Robin.

"Fuck!" Beverly screamed, fearful, yet angry tears forming at her eyes. She had seen a vine on the floor start to make its way towards her feet and she quickly brought her axe down, hitting it to try and slice it.

She only weakened it the first time and when she brought her axe up again, a tendril from behind her grabbed her ankle and pulled her back, making her let go of the axe mid air and fall on her stomach. She gasped just as the axe fell down and landed onto the wooden floor a few inches next to her face, sticking into the floor because of how sharp it had been. The tendril then continued pulling her back and threw her against the wall next to Steve, like the others, trying to choke her.

The other group of four continued to try and poke at the Demobats trying to get through the tiny hole, getting nowhere since there had been so many.

Eddie then decided to step away for some reason, prompting Carmen to scream, "Eddie! We need you!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" he shouted after a second and the others moved back, allowing Eddie to run up and shove the shield with nails into the ceiling to cover the opening. He then removed his hand once he realized it worked, breathing out, "Holy shit. Holy shit."

"That was so smart, man," Chris complimented breathlessly, patting Eddie on the back.

"Yeah, nice," Dustin added.

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