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Steve, Dustin, and Chris dropped down from the roof, telling them that there was no way in hell they would be able to climb their way out since they dropped a humongous amount of feet — they weren't Spider-Man.

So as the minutes ticked on, they all started to fall asleep one by one. They still needed to sleep even if they were trapped in a Russian elevator after all. But, it had taken longer for Beverly and Steve to sleep, causing them to try and discuss ways out of the place.

As they talked, their conversation drifted to more reasonable things that teenagers should have been talking about over the summer.

"I feel like we haven't spoken full sentences to each since, like, eighth months ago," Beverly pointed out awkwardly since their conversation had drifted, leaning against the wall with her legs straight out.

Steve was sitting the same way, cozying up next to the girl as casual as possible. "Yeah, I know," he agreed with a nod. "Probably just because of our...conflicting schedules," he said, even though he was partially lying.

"Yeah," she sighed, poking the inside of her cheek with her tongue. "So, like...what's been going on with you and Chris?" Beverly asked him to make conversation and because she was dying to know the answer.

"Uh, well, I don't know, honestly. I mean, after what happened last year, he started to be really distant."

"Really?" Beverly replied, furrowing her brows. She hadn't really known about Chris's distantness since she assumed he was only trying to avoid her, no one else.

"Yeah. So we kinda just stopped talking as much. We'd eat lunch together with some of our basketball friends, but then he decided to quit basketball all of a sudden. After that...we kinda just didn't talk and when I tried, he rejected it. I wasn't that upset over it though, for uh, reasons," he explained and Beverly furrowed her brows as she listened. "And then we got the job at Scoops together. We didn't even know we both interviewed for it until we walked into the place in our stupid sailor uniforms and saw each other.

"I thought that maybe we'd start talking again, and if we didn't, it would be no big deal," he continued, not wanting to reveal the real reason why he wouldn't care if Chris hadn't spoken to him. "But then Robin also walked in and it was like a light bulb went off in his head or something, I don't even know. They started to get along great, always making fun of me and whatnot and I was kinda just...there."

Beverly hummed, taking it all in. She had thought about what Alicia had said, about Steve and Chris not talking anymore because of Beverly. She didn't want to get in the way of the boys' friendship, but Steve didn't really seem that bothered by it. She also wondered if Steve also suspected Chris's crush on the Buckley girl by the way he described the two of them.

"Do you think Chris likes her?" Beverly whispered, even though everyone seemed to be asleep.

"Oh, Robin? Definitely," Steve chuckled before he realized that he was literally talking to Chris's ex girlfriend. "Oh, uh, s-sorry."

"No, no," Beverly quickly said, shaking her head. "No, I don't care if he does. I mean, honestly, it's probably a good thing for me. It tells me that we're completely over each other and that's what I wanted. 'Cause when we broke up, it didn't really seem that mutual." Even though Chris liking Robin was diminishing Alicia's chances with getting with the girl, Beverly was also glad that Chris was deciding to move on.

"You're completely over him?" Steve asked with a little too much excitement in his voice. Beverly glanced at him and he quickly cleared his throat, "Because I-I know how upset you were when you — you broke up with him last year."

Beverly let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, I'm over him," she confirmed and Steve nodded, trying to resist the smile making its way up to his face. "Did I love him? Yeah, I think I did. But...he just said it too late. But I guess I'm not completely distraught over it as I thought I'd be. Maybe it's because he just wasn't my first love," she went on before she realized what she had said.

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