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The sun had set as the group hiked through the woods, still following Dustin and his haywire compass. They were forced to take out their flashlights to be able to see, not knowing where the hell they were going.

"Something's happening," Dustin muttered as his compass started going even more crazy.

"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?" Eddie called out behind him, glancing over at Carmen, who had just sighed and continued to follow the boy.

"I think we're getting close!" Dustin said over his shoulder, almost causing him to step into Lover's Lake ahead of him since he didn't see it.

Eddie quickly grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling Dustin back so didn't fall. "Watch your step, big guy."

"Oh, man," Steve breathed out once he realized where they were. "You gotta be shitting me."

"Yeah. I thought. these woods were familiar," Eddie commented slowly, looking around.

"Lover's Lake," Robin realized.

"Once again," Carmen uttered, glancing at Eddie who had been wearing the same expression on his face. After what had happened last night, neither of them wanted to be there again in fear of something happening like what happened to Patrick.

"This is confounding," Dustin voiced and Chris nodded in agreement even though he wasn't entirely sure what that word meant.

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max questioned, a little confused.

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna's the same way," Nancy pointed out, looking over at Alicia.

"How do we know for sure?" Alicia asked.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Steve replied, glancing around at the others to see if they were on board or not. Quite frankly, they didn't really have a choice.

"Well, this is pretty much where Eddie and I landed at after...last night's events. I think the boat should be around here somewhere," Carmen told them, walking around a bit to try and find it since they had placed it somewhere. "Aha!" she exclaimed, pulling the boat out from where she had hidden it. "Anyone of you boys care to help me get this out on the water? And I'm not saying that because guys are stronger or anything, I just don't feel like doing it."

"Yeah because we have to do everything for you, apparently," Chris said, rolling his eyes as he stepped forward to grab one part of the boat.

"Apparently so, since you're doing it right now," she taunted with a smirk, looking over at the girls who had chuckled lightly.

Chris scoffed at her, looking back at Steve and Eddie. "Your guys' help would be nice," he told the both of them, giving them a look.

"Oh," they both said, quickly rushing over to help the Wheeler boy move the boat out onto the water. Robin held back an entertained smile on her face since she was the only one who found the sight in front of her extremely funny: Chris with his current crush and his ex crush.

The three boys picked the boat up and tried to carefully place it onto the water. "Easy. I-I said easy, man," Steve said once Eddie practically dropped the boat onto the surface.

"Sorry, dude," Eddie apologized, even though he didn't really mean it.

Steve then turned around a bit, gesturing for Beverly to step inside. As she walked forward, he outstretched his hand for her to take. She gave him a grateful smile before she let him help her into the boat. "Thank you, Stevie," she thanked, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I should do that more often," Steve whispered under his breath, making her laugh softly.

Steve then held his hand out for Robin. "Yeah, I'm just gonna do that since I don't wanna have to kiss you," Robin said as she put her hands on Steve and Eddie's head, using them to balance herself as she stepped into the boat. "Thank you."

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