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Steve pulled up to Max's trailer, where she had directed him to go against his will. "This better be fast, Mayfield," he told her sternly.

"Twenty seconds," she told him before she got out of the car, heading towards the trailer car. Beverly sighed quietly as she watched the girl head inside, hoping that she would just be in and out like she said she would be.

"That thing's got batteries in it, right?" Steve asked Dustin after a moment, looking at him in the backseat, referring to the walkie talkie.

Dustin gave him a look. "I'm not even answering that question." Steve's nose scrunched up. "Yes, it has batteries."

"Yeah, I got it."

"So...what do you think is in all the letters?" Chris asked slowly, looking at Lucas and Dustin in the backseat.

"Probably a goodbye," Beverly answered monotonously, trying not to show how much it affected her to say that in order to appear unbothered. "If something happens and we aren't there with her...then we have these to read." Although, her attempt to not seem sad failed since Steve was able to notice the melancholic glint in her eyes, and the others were able to pinpoint the struggle of her voice.

"Hey...you okay, Bev?" Chris asked, leaning forward a bit in his seat. Steve glanced back at him, seeing the genuineness on his face. But he could tell the boy no longer cared for her in a romantic way...they were just friends. And he cared for her as a friend.

Beverly hummed, feigning confusion. "What? I'm fine. Why — why do you ask?" Beverly replied, looking back at Chris and the other boys who were staying silent. She then looked at Steve. "Does it seem like I'm not okay?"

"No, no, it's just, uh..." Steve trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"We all know you care about Max just as much as I — we do, so it's okay to let us know how you feel," Lucas finished for Steve and the other boys nodded. But they could tell that something else was also up, they just didn't know what.

Beverly nodded slowly. "Yeah, no, um, same for the rest of you," she responded, looking back in front of her.

After they had been waiting for a while, they all decided to get out of the car. But, they didn't want to go inside just in case they disrupted Max since they knew they would probably be yelled at.

But the girl finally came back, hurriedly walking back over to the car. "Hey, that was longer than twenty seconds," Steve pointed out before he realized the look on Max's face. "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. You all right?"

"I'm fine. Just drive," she told him, opening up the car door and getting inside.

"Did something happen?" Lucas asked in concern.

"Can we please just go?" she pleaded before Steve backed the car out, driving away from the trailer park.

Beverly looked over her shoulder at the redhead practically smushed against the car door since the seats only really fit three people, not four. "Are you sure you're—"

"I'm fine, Bev, seriously," Max cut her off, giving her a look. "I'm fine." Beverly sucked in a breath and looked back to the front, sharing a similar glance with Steve.

They drove in silence, not daring to speak to annoy Max. The only words that were spoken were Max's directions to the destination she wanted to go to. "Turn here," she told Steve.

"Here?" Dustin said in confusion since it was Roane Hill Cemetery. Beverly's brows furrowed, her chest tightening a bit at entering the cemetery since she rarely came there, and when she did, she always got emotional.

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