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Alicia, Robin, and Nancy searched the basement's files to try and find something that had made sense, using the two microfilm readers that were there. Since there were only two, Alicia opted to lean over Robin's shoulder and read, which made them both blush unbeknownst to each other.

"Anything...juicy over there?" Robin slowly asked Nancy since they still hadn't found anything that could help them.

"Nothing new," Nancy answered.

"Yep, same here."

"Unfortunately," Alicia added under her breath.

"Victor seemed like a normal guy. Dead family, missing eyes, took a plea deal, sent to Pennhurst. Blah, blah, blah, blah," Robin continued before she leaned over to peak around the microfilm reader. "What are we looking for exactly?" she questioned the Wheeler girl since she hadn't really specified it. "Nance?" she said once Nancy didn't answer. She then began to rhythmically knock on the microfilm reader, trying to get the girl's attention.

"Maybe she fell asleep," Alicia brought up, even though Nancy had just spoken to them. She was just so flustered with being so close to Robin that she couldn't even think straight. Nancy then finally leaned over, a forced grin plastered on her face.

"Any mention of dark wizards or alternate dimensions?" Robin asked Nancy. "Things in that vein?"

"I don't know. Okay? It's starting to seem like this was. Just a big waste of time," Nancy replied, getting up from her seat. "And you're obviously bored, so why don't you just to call Chris? I'm sure he'll come pick you up. And I mean, I'm not really in danger here, so..." Nancy finished walking off without them.

Alicia and Robin slowly looked at one another, not sure why Nancy decided to bring up her twin. "Does she think that Chris and I are...?" Robin trailed off, furrowing her brows.

"Well...are you?" Alicia curiously asked. Because Alicia didn't know what had went down in the bathroom, all she knew was what Robin had told her: she rejected Chris when he confessed his crush on her. But that didn't mean that she couldn't have changed her mind — at least, that's what Alicia thought anyway.

Robin scoffed at her. "Hell no. Chris is definitely not my type," she told her, trying to drop a subtle hint. Alicia nodded at that, glad that she didn't have competition with Chris... but maybe she did have competition with Robin's 'type' if it wasn't girls. "I should probably clarify that to Nancy, though, right?"

"Yeah, she seems kinda pissed about it for some reason," Alicia said before the two went down to where Nancy had went. The two walked down the steps, seeing Nancy opening some drawers.

"You do know that Chris and I are, like, totally not a thing, right?" Robin voiced.

"What?" Nancy said, turning around to face them.

"You just seem mad about me being close with Chris. We're just friends. Good friends," Robin assured the girl, walking over to her.

"Yeah, that's the problem," Nancy told her, and Alicia and Robin both shared a puzzled glance. "He told me that you rejected him last summer. I mean, I don't care if you did, everyone is entitled to their own feelings, but the fact that you keep stringing him along like this is kinda shitty. My brother has a hard time with feelings, so I don't want him to keep getting hurt. Okay?"

Robin's mouth opened and closed at that, not expecting her to say that. "Look, Nancy, he knows I'm not leading him on. We — We talked about it. Trust me. And he doesn't even really like me anymore," Robin told her. "He knows we're, like, platonic with a capital P. Just like I am with Steve."

Nancy looked over at her before she looked over at Alicia. The Sinclair girl nodded at Nancy, telling her that it was okay to trust Robin. Nancy breathed out a quiet sigh, looking back at the Buckley girl. "If you say so," Nancy said, going back to searching.

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