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"Jesus, slow down!" Steve slurred since the four that were drugged were crammed in the back of the small, red cart, hitting against the sides.

Alicia was trying to drive since she was the eldest one there that wasn't all drugged up, but she was positively horrible.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin called out.

"It's the Indy 300," Steve corrected her.

"No, dingus, it's 500!"

"It's 300!"

"I think it's 500," Chris agreed with Robin.

"Well, I think it's 300," Beverly sided with Steve.

"Let's say a million," Robin negotiated before the four of them bursted out laughing.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica questioned.

"I don't know!" Alicia and Dustin said at the same time.

"Alli, watch out!" Erica yelled, but it was too late to stop the cart. She slammed into metal barrels in front of her, making the four in the back knock into each other and groan.

"Oops," Alicia breathed out, her eyes wide.

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin asked and they got a groan in response. "They're fine," he whispered to the Sinclair sisters before they rushed out and opened the back of the cart. "Come on. We gotta go, now."

"Come on! Get out!" Erica yelled.

"We don't have all day," Alicia said sternly as Dustin grabbed Steve's wrist, dragging him out of the cart.

"Ow! We're coming!" he told them as he fell to the ground.

"Ha! That's what she said!" Chris joked, laughing at his own quip.

"You're so gross!" Robin told him even though she had laughed as well.

"No wonder why we broke up," Beverly told Chris and he just stared at her for a second before the two of them bursted out in a fit of laughter, finding it all hilarious.

"I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone," Alicia muttered, glancing in between all four of them in utter and complete puzzlement.

They were then able to get in the elevator, riding back up to the mall. The four that were drugged were having one hell of a time while the other three were just watching, not knowing what to do with them.

Steve stepped up onto some kind of cart to push boxes, whooping loudly as he moved back and forth. "Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin told him.

"Surfing! Yeah!" Steve agreed as he kept going. "Bev, hop on!"

Beverly squealed as she hopped on next to Steve, gripping onto his arms as they moved back and forth on the cart. "Let me join!" Chris exclaimed, but when he tried to jump on, the two pushed him off and he fell on his butt. "Hey!"

"No more than two, sorry!" Beverly told him, and she and Steve snorted.

"They seem drunk," Erica commented to Alicia and Dustin.

"Why would they be drunk?" Dustin queried.

"Maybe the Russians wanted to give them one last meal and they decided to drink their hearts out since none of them have turned 21 yet," Alicia guessed and the two kids gave her a look. "What?"

"We're a natural! Check it out!" Steve yelled before Robin pulled the cart away, making the two fall onto each other.

"Wipeout!" Robin and Chris said at the same time, chuckling to no end.

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