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Max speedily drove Billy's car to where they wanted to go after they gathered the supplies they needed.  Lucas was sitting in the passenger's seat to give Max directions to the site they needed to go while the others were smushed in the back.

Alicia and Beverly sat next to each other, Beverly slightly leaning on Alicia as she lightly rubbed her bruising neck. Every time she breathed, there would be a sharp feeling in her throat, causing her to grimace.

Steve was basically sprawled out in the back, a ice pack on his head. It was so hard getting him into the car that the boys almost gave up until Dustin convinced them otherwise. The boys also weren't sure if bringing Steve along was a good idea since they knew he would start freaking out once he woke up, but Dustin insisted they couldn't leave him behind.

So did Beverly, who tried speaking, but could only say a few words before she started to violently cough. However, it was enough for them to bring Steve along.

Steve then slowly awoke, blinking as he looked to the side. "Nancy?" Steve weakly asked as he looked at Mike, making the boy give him a dirty look. "Oh, wait...Chris? No..." he trailed off, going to touch his face.

"Oh, no, don't touch it," Dustin said, pushing Steve's hand away from his butchered face. "Hey, buddy," Dustin greeted before he shushed him so Steve wouldn't talk through his injuries. "It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight, buddy, okay? You're okay." Steve groaned, now starting to feel his injured in full force.

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai," Lucas directed the redheaded girl.

"What's going on?" Steve queried, dazed, and Max glanced over her shoulder at him. "Oh, my God!"

"Steve, just relax. She's driven before," Dustin assured him.

"Yeah, in a parking lot," Mike argued.

"That counts," Lucas said.

"Yeah, and she's doing better than me anyway," Alicia spoke up.

"Oh, my God!"

"They were gonna leave you behind, but I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin quickly said once Steve started to panic.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What's going on?" Steve shouted once Max started to speed up. "Oh, my God! No! Whoa! Stop the car! Slow down!"

"I told you he'd freak out," Mike told Dustin.

"Stop the car!"

"Steve, c-calm down," Beverly forced out, her voice hoarse.

"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max bellowed angrily.

"Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai! Make a left!" Lucas pointed.


"Make — Turn left!" he told her, his voice cracking. Max quickly turned left, hitting into the side of a fence. They all screamed in fear, thinking they were about to crash, but Max was able to stay on the road.

Max continued driving until they reached their destination, abruptly pressing on the brakes. "Hello!" Steve yelled, jerking forward a bit.

"Whoa!" Dustin shouted.

"Incredible," Mike commented in disbelief.

"I told you. Zoomer," Max said before they all quickly got out of the car. Alicia helped Beverly out, who was still pretty out of it from almost being choked to death.

Steve then stumbled out of the car, groaning in pain. "Guys," he said, but they didn't pay attention as they began putting on their protective gear. "Oh, no. Hey, guys," Steve lisped.

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