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About a month later, the lab had to shut down because of the tape Nancy and Jonathan made with Murray Bauman, showing that the members were responsible for the death and coverup of Barb. They obviously couldn't say what really killed her, so they said she was exposed to toxic chemicals that were released from the lab.

Beverly attended Barb's funeral along with Nancy, Jonathan, Chris, Steve, Alicia, and Carmen. But when Beverly and Alicia finally returned back home after the events last month, Carmen was beyond angry at them.

She had thought they had ditched her to go somewhere at first, but then when they hadn't come home for two days, she had started to become really worried. But, she also didn't want to rat her friends out just in case they were doing something sketchy, so she didn't go tell their parents thankfully.

Beverly and Alicia told her that they got caught up with Lucas and his friends, who needed help with their Dungeons and Dragons game that was taking ages to play. Carmen didn't exactly buy it until they got Lucas to back the story up, saying how they treated the game very seriously and why they needed their help.

Luckily, Beverly's mom bought the story, too, but she didn't seem that worried anyway. She had just thought she was with Alicia or Carmen the whole time anyway, and she wasn't that concerned. That had hurt Beverly a bit, but she didn't need anymore trouble with her mom questioning her, so she was glad she didn't care.

Beverly's throat had finally healed, the bruises and marks going away. She had to wear a ton of makeup on it a month prior, so no questions were asked; she blamed the hoarseness of her voice to be from yelling at the D&D game. Still, cheerleading practice was tough, especially since she was the captain.

But now it was time for the Snow Ball of 1984. Beverly agreed to chaperone it with Nancy and Jonathan, who were officially together. Alicia didn't feel like seeing her brother crash and burn with Max, so she didn't volunteer, and Carmen said she had a hookup to attend to.

Beverly was working the punch bowls with Nancy, where they would fill the kids' cups with the sweet juice. Beverly could have sworn that she had felt eyes on her from outside, so she looked over, but saw no one there.

She sighed quietly to herself, handing a cup filled with a punch to a kid. "Hey, Bev. Hey, Nance," Dustin greeted the two girls as he walked into the decorated gym.

"Hey," they both replied, taking notice to his styled hair and giving each other an amused glance.

A kid then walked up to the table. "What's in this?" he asked.

"Pure fuel," Nancy answered, handing him the cup. Her eyes then traveled over to Jonathan, who was taking the photos of the kids before he looked over at his girlfriend. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So, how's Jonathan?" Beverly asked the girl, a sly grin on her face.

"He's great," Nancy told her truthfully with a nod. "Even though I hate everything that has to do with the Upside Down, I'm kinda glad that it brought us together."

"That's sweet," Beverly said, glad that Nancy seemed to be happy.

"You know, I never got to say sorry about what Chris did to you. I didn't even know it happened until I found out you guys broke up, and this past month has been so crazy," Nancy brought up. "So I'm sorry."

"Nance, you don't have to apologize," Beverly assured her, shaking her head. "You aren't the one who cheated."

"Well, he is my twin brother, so..." Nancy trailed off before the both of them laughed. "What about you and Steve?" she then asked out of the blue.

"What? O-Oh, we're not together," Beverly immediately said, quickly shaking her head.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I meant, like, are you two...friends now?" she clarified. "It's just that you both, and Alicia, looked after the kids the whole time and you all came out fine so there had gotta be some teamwork there."

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