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Once the three had made it to the junkyard, Steve commented, "Oh, yeah. Yeah, this will do." He took off his sunglasses. "This will do just fine. Good call, dude."

Dustin smiled proudly before they all walked further into the junkyard. They began to dump the chunks of meat all around the place, wanting to make sure that Dart would be able to catch the scent of it all.

"I said medium-well!" someone called out all of a sudden. Beverly looked over to see Lucas waving at them, with a redheaded girl next to him. Beverly tilted her head slightly, recognizing her to be Billy's sister. Max, if she remembered correctly.

"Who's that?" Steve asked Dustin since he had never seen Max before. When Dustin didn't respond, Beverly and Steve glanced at one another knowingly. Dustin then decided to go up to his friends, leaving Beverly and Steve behind. "So that's definitely the girl he likes, right?"

"Oh, for sure," Beverly agreed once she saw Dustin greet the two newcomers. "I think she's Billy's sister, Max."

"Of course you would know that," Steve replied with an eye roll.

"I literally told you that we went on one date. I don't even like the guy, I was just trying to get back at Chris like you said!" Beverly explained herself. "Why do you even care so much?" she asked. She didn't want to believe it, but she really did want to know why Steve cared so much about who she went out with.

Steve shrugged casually. "I just don't want you going out with douches, that's all," Steve told her, not meeting her eyes.

"Why does it effect you?"

Steve hesitated before answering, not knowing why it would effect him. It seemed like he was having the same dilemma on whether or not he actually liked Beverly, as a friend, since he did say things that would imply he did. However, before he could come up with some bullshit answer, he noticed someone riding their bike towards them. "Hey, is that...is that Alicia?" he pointed out, his eyes going wide.

Beverly looked over to see Alicia heading toward them on her bike before she stopped, getting off of it. "Alicia! What — what are you doing here?" Beverly called out, making the three younger kids both turn to look.

"Alli, what the hell? Did you follow me here?" Lucas questioned.

"As a matter of fact, I did," Alicia answered as Beverly and Steve walked up to her. "Would anyone like to tell me what the hell is going on here?" she said before she looked directly at Beverly. "Bev?"

"Um..." Beverly trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"You shouldn't be here. You need to go home. Now," Lucas said, trying to push his sister away. However, since he was a lot smaller than her, it didn't seem to be working.

"No, I'm not going anywhere. I followed you to see you pick up this girl, who I'm assuming is Billy's sister," Alicia began, gesturing took Max, who looked away awkwardly, "and then I followed you to this abandoned junkyard. There's gotta be a reason why."

"How did you even know I was going somewhere?" Lucas asked.

"Because I heard you talking with Dustin over your walkie talkies. At first, I thought you were just talking about your stupid game you play, but then I heard to say Bev and Steve's names," she continued before she looked at the two she mentioned. "So why the hell are you both here? Together? With thirteen year olds?"

Beverly and Steve looked at each other nervously, not knowing if it would be a good idea to tell her or not. They didn't want her to be in danger, but if Beverly knew Alicia well, which she had, she knew she would be persistent.

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