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Nancy drove up to Pennhurst Mental Hospital with Alicia and Robin in the car. They were all wearing what Nancy deemed "scholarly" to try and appease Dr. Hatch.

Alicia wasn't too bothered by the clothes since her style was usually pretty preppy anyway, but Robin was having a tough time. "Ugh, I can't breath in this thing, and I'm itchy. I'm itching all over," Robin complained through clenched teeth as they walked up to the building. She was sort of embarrassed to be wearing these sort of clothes in front Alicia since it wasn't really her style and she didn't want to look bad.

"It's not all about comfort. Okay? We're academics," Nancy told her.

"Who are evidently coming straight from an Easter brunch," Robin added irritatedly. "Also, this bra that you gave me is really pinching my boobs."

"Okay, could you just let me do the talking? If that's even possible?" Nancy questioned.

"Calm down, Nance, we got this," Alicia told her, only because she didn't like the tone she was using with Robin.

"It's fine because it's not only possible, it's inevitable. Because shortly, I'll be dead from strangulation," Robin said and Nancy sucked in a breath and rolled her eyes, trying not to lash out.

"So let's make this as quick as possible," Alicia said to them both since she didn't really like the idea of lying to this high end person. If he found out they were lying and who she actually was...she could be in danger of being kicked out of college, and she definitely didn't want that.

"3.9 GPAs," Dr. Hatch read aloud as he looked at their papers. The girls were now sitting across from him, where he was sitting behind his desk. "All three of you. Impressive."

"And this is a recommendation from Professor Brantley," Nancy handed the fake recommendation to the doctor.

"Yeah, I know Larry. Quite well, actually," Dr. Hatch said and the girls gave each other a quick glance. "Eh, you know what they say. 'Those who can't do, teach.'"

Robin forced a laugh as Dr. Hatch chuckled before she quickly stopped once Nancy gave her a look. "Uh, yes, yes, that's actually why we're here. I mean, we can only learn so much in a classroom," Nancy brought up.

"Mmm. And I'm sympathetic for your struggle, truly. But there is a protocol to visiting a patient like Victor. You have to put in a request and then you have to undergo a screening process, at which point the board will make a decision," Dr. Hatch said and the girls looked down, clearly not wanting to hear that. "I can see you're disappointed. But I'm more than happy to give you a tour of our facility. Perhaps you can even speak to some patients in our low-security wing."

"And we'd...we would love that. It's just that, um...our thesis is due next month," Nancy slowly said.

"Then you're out of time. Who's fault is that?" Dr. Hatch questioned.

"Ours. Absolutely. And I do apologize—"

"Don't apologize, Ruth. Screw that," Robin cut her off, making Nancy and Alicia both look at her with wide eyes. "The fact of the matter is, we did put in a request months ago and were denied. And then we reapplied and were denied again. And coming here was our last-ditch effort to save our thesis and I really — I can't breathe in this thing."

"Uh, well, Rose, maybe you'd like to go outside and get some air," Nancy told Robin with clenched teeth since she didn't want her to ruin their chances of speaking with Victor.

"Maybe I should, Ruth," Robin said, going to stand up.

"Mhm. Donna, take her," Nancy whispered to Alicia and she nodded, going to get up before she realized Robin was already standing.

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