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To pass some of the time waiting for Robin to crack the code, Beverly came across Max and Eleven coming into Beck's Boutique to shop for some clothes. It seemed like Eleven needed some help, so Beverly was quick to provide some assistance along with the redhead.

Beverly hadn't known Eleven that well since she had only met her a few months ago, but she could tell that the two girls were getting along well after their first interaction. Beverly was happy to see that, especially because she was getting used to being friends with kids like Dustin.

And, since she was kind of considered one of the "babysitters" of the group, she wanted to make sure she knew all the kids. So this was a perfect way to bond with the only girls in the younger group.

She helped Eleven find new clothes, allowing her to try on any item that she wanted until she found one that she liked the best. Beverly gave them a discount, without telling Dylan since he would probably freak out, and told them to come back any time they wanted.

Max and Eleven were beyond thrilled, also enjoying the time they spent with the older girl. However, Max secretly felt a little guilty whenever she looked at Beverly. She thought about her brother barging into the Byers' home and choking her since she decided to defend all of them. She hoped that Beverly didn't consider her the same as her brother, but with this nice interaction, she wasn't feeling so doubtful anymore.

At Scoops Ahoy, Alicia, Robin, Chris, and Dustin worked in the back to try and translate the Russian message. Chris was sort of bummed since Alicia and Dustin were there, too, secretly wanting it to just be him and Robin since the two had been getting along well with making fun of Steve.

"Maybe we should take a short break," Chris suggested since he could tell Robin was getting a little frustrated and he didn't want to push her too hard.

"Yeah, I agree. To rest our brains for a second," Alicia added and Chris nodded.

Robin groaned, sitting down next to Alicia. "Fine, fine, fine. A short one, though," she said, wanting to try and solve it by the end of the day.

"Yeah, I don't wanna waste any time on this," Dustin agreed. "But I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back." He walked out of the back room, making his way to the bathroom.

"So, Robin...What grade are you in?" Alicia asked to make some small talk since she didn't know the girl all too well.

"Oh, she's gonna be a senior like me," Chris answered for her.

"I was talking to Robin," Alicia bit slightly, giving him a quick look before she looked back at Robin. Even though Beverly had told her and Carmen that she was over Chris cheating on her, Alicia was still extremely pissed off since he had hurt her best friend. And she just didn't like cheaters in general.

Robin chuckled lightly at Chris's moderately surprised face. "Yeah, I'll be a senior," she confirmed. "And you're gonna be in college, right?"

"How'd you know?" Alicia queried, tilting her head slightly.

"It's kinda hard to not know about the cheer captain and her popular cheer friends," Robin replied a matter of factly, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, right," Alicia said in embarrassment, shaking her head at herself.

"Did you forget you were popular or something?"

"Well, kinda. I'm not really the 'popular-type', if that's even a real thing. I liked studying and staying home in high school, not going out and partying," Alicia explained with a shrug.

"Then why become a cheerleader?" Robin asked, genuinely intrigued. Chris watched the two speak, not knowing how to butt himself into the conversation without seeming like an asshole.

YOUR SONG | steve harringtonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora