Chapter 42 - More Than Anything

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Later That Night

Danielle still couldn't believe how much the snug had changed. Gold plated the walls and ceilings, red curtains were hung by the windows. Her mind wandered to the situation with Campbell, Sabini, then to the baby. Is this too much, for us, she thought, before looking at Thomas, for him? His answer of course would be no. But what was hers? Now that they were engaged? Now that she was pregnant?

Danielle felt his arm that was around her squeeze her shoulder, snapping her out of thought. She looked up at his face and saw that he was smiling, his blue eyes made so much more vibrant by his smile.

"Here he is Tom," Arthur cracked as the door to the snug opened. The boys stood from the table while Danielle leaned her back against the bench.

Micheal and Polly walked in and for a second Danielle and Polly made eye contact before the boys, and Danielle, started cheering and congratulating the boy, "Happy Birthday, Micheal," Tommy said as he shook the boy's hand.

"18 years old today. I'd say you're a man now," Arthur said as he brought his cigarette up to his lips, "Get him a drink, John boy."

John grabbed a glass and scooped it full of ale, "There you go lad."

"And after that," Arthur said as he took a swig of his own drink, "We'll go find you a lady of the night."

Polly's attention moved from Micheal towards the men, "Arthur!" she clamoured.

"Micheal," Tommy took a puff from his cigarette before turning to look at Danielle.

She stood and grabbed a neatly wrapped box off the table, "We got you this, Micheal," Danielle looked at the boy and Polly as she held the package out to him, "So that you're never late for work."

Micheal looked at the pocket watch. It was elegant, and much like the pub, had gold coating its surfaces. He then looked up at Danielle, before shifting his gaze to Tommy who nodded in agreement with what Danielle had said.

"Welcome to the business, Micheal" John said from across the snug.

"Thank you," Micheal said before hugging his mum.

The group toasted to Micheal, and soon the boy left the snug to join James and Isaiah. Tommy settled back down on the bench, this time putting his arm around Danielle and immediately holding her close. She smiled and relaxed into the warmth of his body.

Sometime later, Danielle got up to go to the washroom. This was just one of the many new occurrences that had become part of her routine over the last couple months. As she walked away Danielle could feel his eyes watching her go.

"So," Arthur said as he slammed his drink down on the table, "If this, May Carleton is off the table for you, Tom, does that mean she's on the table for everyone else?"

"No Arthur, she is not on the table for anyone," Tommy leaned back in his chair and struck a match to light his new cigarette, "She is a business partner."

"Oh is that it then?" John laughed, "A business partner."

"Yes John, she is. And the last time I checked, we didn't mix love with business, did we, John?"

"Me and Arthur don't, sure. But you, Tom, your bloody fiancé is running half our business," the boys laughed as they joked.

Danielle rounded the corner and stood in the entrance of the Garrison snug. Upon hearing John's comment she leaned against the door frame hoping her presence would go unnoticed. She wanted to see where this conversation was going.

Only then, Polly stepped in, "Tom wouldn't dream of betraying Danny."

"The girl's got his balls," John joked before Danielle cleared her throat drawing attention towards her.

Even before she did so, Tommy's eyes were locked on her, "Tom knows," Danielle held out her hand and looked at the ring on her finger as she spoke, "That I can remove this here ring, just as easily as Tommy can make a mistake with this woman, or any woman." She looked at John and turned her hand over so the ring faced the room, "And, should Tommy decide to make that decision, I can promise you that I would not hesitate to make my decision like your brother would."

That Night

A couple of hours later, when they were home. Danielle was getting ready for bed. As she changed she couldn't help but look at her body in the mirror. She had the smallest curvature to her stomach now. Hardly noticeable to anyone else, but noticeable to her.

She heard the bedroom door open and nearly jumped as she went to grab her night slip, "Don't." Tommy said as he entered the room, holding a bottle of rum and a glass. He wasn't wearing his suit jacket anymore. He must've taken it off downstairs.

Danielle turned to look at him, her night slip bunched up in her hands. She watched him set the bottle and glass down on her dressing vanity.

He stood in front of her and took the night slip out of her hands and tossed it to the side. He then turned her body around to face the mirror and put his hands over her stomach. Danielle watched his hands move over her body.

"I love you, eh." her eyes snapped up to meet his in the mirror, "More than anything. More than our business. More than life."

Danielle turned in his arms to face him and kissed him in response, "You know Mr. Shelby, you've already knocked me up, no need to flirt with me now."

He drew away and smiled at her as he took off his shirt, "Oh, I will always flirt with you." He kissed her harder and pulled her closer to his body as he slowly walked her towards the bed, "And aye, now that you are pregnant I might not be able to knock you up anymore." Danielle laughed as he lowered her onto the bed, "But it won't be from a lack of trying."

The Next Morning

When Danielle woke up Tommy was awake beside her, his hand brushing softly over her bare stomach. She wondered what was going on in his head, what he was thinking about as he laid beside her. Both of their bodies were still bare from the night before.

"Good morning," he said as he kissed her cheek and got up from the bed. He put on his underwear before he walked over to her vanity and picked up the bottle of rum, "We have a meeting this morning. About the partnership with Alfie."

"Why is it, that rum. The one thing I cannot have, is the only thing that doesn't make me nauseous?" Danielle complained as she pulled the covers over her body.

He leaned over the bed and kissed her again, "Get dressed. I'll make you some of that tea Polly brought over. You can drink it while you get ready."

When Danielle came down the stairs, Tommy grabbed her coat from its hook and held it up for her to put on. Before they stepped out onto the street, Tommy grabbed another bottle of distilled rum. He closed the door and as they walked down the street he didn't turn his gaze to her, but instead merely spoke, "You are the one who solidified our arrangement with Solomons. You should lead the meeting."

Danielle didn't respond but she agreed. She took a step closer to Tommy. Seeing her do so he put his hand on her lower back as they continued to walk down the block to Polly's.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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