Chapter 3 - The Garrison

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A few days later

Danielle had worked a few shifts at the Garrison, mostly during the day, when next to no one was around. After a few conversations with Harry, the bartender she met the night she walked Arthur home, it became clear to Danielle that Birmingham's lawless reputation was false, and that the city was unofficially governed by the Peaky Blinders, specifically the Shelbys.

Danielle knew nothing of Birmingham when she first arrived a week ago, but she now realized the hold that the Shelby family had on the people of Birmingham. It was clear to her that the Peaky Blinders were feared by everyone, including the police. She learned that the reason everyone was staring at her the first time she walked into the Garrison was because she had in fact bumped into a gangster with a notorious reputation of violence - and that she had left the situation unscathed. Though she had already met Arthur, and John at the Garrison, Harry told her that the most dangerous Shelby brother was the one named Thomas.

Danielle had just arrived at work for her shift. She opened the door and took off her navy blue coat and placed it on the coat rack. Looking around the pub, she saw that there was a group of people, presumably men, in the snug making noise. The bar was the busiest Danielle had seen it, and she knew that this would be a busy shift.

As she walked up to the bar, she said hello to Harry and began working. She then heard a knock on the window connecting the snug to the bar, when a man dressed like a Peaky Blinder opened it and looked as though he was going to say something, but then stopped when he saw Danielle. When Danielle looked at him, her mouth opened a little. She had never seen anyone with such blue eyes and such a chiseled facial structure. She knew this must be Tommy.

"I need a bottle of rum," Tommy said.

"Whatever it is, it's on the house," Danielle heard Harry say behind her.

"White or dark?" Danielle asked,

"Don't care," said Tommy, and Danielle walked to where the rum was kept. While she fetched a bottle of rum she could feel his eyes watching her.

"Harry said it's on the house"

"Are you a whore?" Tommy asked. Danielle didn't know what to say. She tried to stare at Tommy as intensely as he was staring at her. "Because if you're not a whore, you're in the wrong place."

Danielle walked back to Harry and asked "That must be him then?"

"Look Danielle, do whatever those men say. And if they ask for a drink it's on the house." Danielle turned back towards the bar to serve people. "And" Harry continued, "I know you're a smart girl, but be careful. If they decide that they want you there's nothing anyone could do about it"

Danielle turned and continued to go about her shift. While she worked she couldn't help but think about Tommy's eyes, and the way he had looked at her.

Later that night, while she sat by the fireplace in her flat, she opened a letter from her mother. It was clear that being a barmaid was not going to make enough money to support her family in Manchester. Danielle was not sure how she would gather more money, but she knew she would need to if she were to help her mother with her siblings, and pay her rent.

The next day, the Shelby boys were gathered in the snug, when Danielle came through the doors with a tray of glasses, and a bottle of rum. As she walked she recognized the Shelby brothers, and some of their friends.

Upon seeing her, Arthur exclaimed "Hello Angel, it's so good to see you"

'Ay, and it's good to see you Arthur," She said as she set down the tray on the table.

She knew she probably shouldn't engage with these men. She knew they did bad things. She knew they were dangerous. She knew they could bring her harm, and yet, Danielle was not afraid. If anything, the boys, particularly Tommy, piqued her interest.

As she turned to walk out of the Snug, she heard Arthur say to Tommy "its about time Tommy"

"About time for what," Tommy said.

"Time you took yourself a woman" John said. Unbeknown to Danielle that Tommy had watched her walk away.

After her shift was done, Danielle walked down Watery Lane, to the Shelby home where she had been going to make bets on horses. Danielle was right about the den hosting illegal activities. She knew that the Shelby's were not merely bookkeepers. Rather, they were fixing races, and if they weren't fixing them yet, they were preparing to.

This is how Danielle justified her decision to sneak money out of the betting ring. She had devised a system in which she would arrive at the busiest time possible, appear to lay a bet, then stop to help one of the workers with their math, during which she would manipulate the numbers to walk away with a small bit of money.

Danielle used the worker's poor math skills to her advantage by twisting numbers, and making it appear as if no money was missing. Danielle took small amounts, as not to draw any attention to what she had been doing. Danielle needed money to support her family. She knew that what she made at the Garrison was not enough. She was convinced that this was the only way to make more money to send home. So far her plan has worked. And it continued to work for a couple of weeks, that was until Polly Gray noticed.


Tommy had walked into the Shelby house, smoke in hand, when the first thing he heard was Polly say,

"We have a problem"

"What kind of problem"

"The barmaid, Danielle, the one who walked drunk Arthur home when he was passed out on Watery Lane, she's been stealing from us"

"Some nerve to steal from us," Tommy said. Honestly he was impressed. A girl, seemingly harmless and innocent, brave enough to steal from the Peaky Blinders.

"She was a nurse, she said she came here from Manchester to find a job" Polly said.

Tommy sighed, "I will take care of Miss Virtue."

"Whatever you do Tommy, be careful with the girl, she's smart and that's why I like her" Polly warned.

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