Chapter 36 - High Value Commodity

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Like knights protecting their queen, Dave and Steven instantly moved around Danielle to put themselves between her and Campbell. Danielle crossed her gloved hands in front of her and took a step forward, "It's okay boys, let him talk. Let's hear what you have to say, Major Campbell."

He took another step out onto the sidewalk and Danielle watched Dave and Steven look at each other and then at Danielle. When they saw that she did not waver, their stances relaxed, but they remained still, "I see that Thomas Shelby places protection on his high value commodities."

Danielle stared at him for a second. She wasn't surprised that he knew about the baby, but it was slightly discomforting nonetheless, "You'd be wise to not speak about such commodities. Heaven forbid you need another cane for the other leg."

"I only say so because I believe congratulations are in order," the man said as he tilted his head and his round brimmed hat tilted with him.

"You didn't just come here to give your congratulations, so why are you here," Danielle said wanting to cut right to the punch before she felt ill again.

"Miss Virtue I came here for reassurance," Campbell walked around her and Dave and Steven moved with him, "Reassurance that when the time comes your fiancé will do what is necessary." He stopped moving and faced Danielle, "Should he want to meet his unborn child."

Danielle took a step towards Campbell. Dave and Steven both reached for the weapons that were holstered under their jackets and waited to draw, "You dare come here, to Small Heath, and make threats to me and my family. You'd do well to remember what happened the last time you threatened me, Major Campbell." Danielle spoke slowly to emphasize her point, "Do not for a moment think that whatever business you have with Tommy will be resolved in your favour." She relaxed her tone slightly, "Now get the fuck off my sidewalk."

An hour later Danielle was reading on the sofa with a cup of tea. She finally began to feel better after she changed out of her clothes and into her silk slip and matching robe. She allowed her legs to stretch over the length of the sofa while she continued to read. This task was difficult for her; staying still, not moving, not thinking, wondering how things were getting along in the shop without her. Tommy might have been right to send her home, but it didn't mean she liked doing so.

That was when the man himself opened the door and slammed it shut. Speak of the devil, she thought. Without pausing to take off his overcoat he walked into the house and in front of the sofa where Danielle was laying. He looked at her as he poured himself a drink from the glass bottle of whiskey on the coffee table.

When he was done pouring he took a sip. It was then that he finally took off his hat and coat and threw them onto the chair adjacent to Danielle. He then walked over to the sofa, drink in hand, and motioned with his hand for Danielle to move her legs. She did so, and he sat at the end of the sofa with his arm stretched out on the back of the furniture, "Put your legs back over me, Danny."

She stretched her legs across his lap and for a few minutes the pair sat in silence. He drank and looked back and forth between Danielle and the fireplace. She read and every once and a while examined his demeanour to try and read what was happening in his mind.

"The boys told me about Campbell," Tommy broke the silence as his eyes remained fixed on the fireplace. Danielle looked up at him. She had hoped neither of them would mention it to him. He looked at her, "They're loyal to both of us, but I'm the one who pays them." It was as if he could read her mind.

"I love you Thomas, I do, but lately you're smothering me in adoration." Danielle put down her book and sat up onto her knees so she could face him, "I'm here," she grabbed the sides of his face, "I'm right here. And I'm okay."

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