Chapter 6 - Friday

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Thursday - Afternoon

Holding the key to her new flat firmly in her hand, Danielle had left the betting den feeling more relaxed than earlier that morning. Not only had Tommy agreed to the changes she proposed, but he told her that if, after their months trial, the contract were to be ended she could still be a booker for the Shelby Company.

As she walked down Watery Lane, and made her way down the side street where the flat was located, Danielle couldn't help but feel nervous for what Friday night would bring. Would Tommy expect her to sleep with him? Would he be as courteous and kind as he was this morning? Had Danielle made a mistake? Should she have picked the other choice? Sure, her life may be more boring, but at least she wouldn't be so nervous.

As she put the key in the door of the flat Tommy gave her, she could tell that it was much nicer than the flat she had previously been renting. As she opened the door she was invited into a main room, with what appeared to be one bedroom and one bathroom. When she stepped into the flat she was in the living area with a couch, a fireplace, and a gramophone. Behind the couch was the kitchen area, with a kitchen table dividing the couch from the cabinets against the wall.

To the side of the kitchen was the bedroom which was divided by a set of french doors. She walked into the bedroom and saw the bed, two nightstands, and a window with a red curtain. In the bedroom there was another door to the bathroom, which was also connected to the living room through another door. It's beautiful, she thought. Whoever Tommy had hired to furnish the flat had done a fine job. Looking at the clock on the bedside table, Danielle realized she was late for her shift at the Garrison.

Arriving for her shift, she found that the place was busy. The Peaky Blinders were once again in the Snug. About 5 minutes into her shift she saw a tall man with dark hair she did not recognize with Tommy's sister Ada. Danielle wondered if they might be together, though they did not hold hands or show any affection.

She then took a bucket of rubbish to the alley to discard when she saw Tommy walking by with a magnificent looking horse. Pausing what she was doing, she asked "Does he have a name?"

"No," Tommy repled

"Poor boy deserves a name," Danielle said, stroking his head.

"Do you like horses, Miss Virtue?"

"Yes, but I have never gotten the chance to really be around them," She replied.

"Shame. Dig out a nice dress. In a week's time I'm going to take you to the races," and with that he was gone. Danielle could not believe what had occurred. She knew this was part of the contract, accompanying him to events, but she did not anticipate it occurring so soon.

Later on, as she walked into the snug with a tray of glasses, she was greeted by Arthur. "Please, Arthur, call me Danielle" she stated after he once again called her Angel. It's not that Danielle was offended by the nickname, it's just that Danielle wasn't sure how the family would react when they learned about the deal Tommy made with her.

As she set a tray of glasses down on the table, Danielle made eye contact with Tommy. He winked at her as he laughed at the story John was telling. It made her heart leap, and as she turned to leave the snug she could see that Polly had watched the pair's interaction.


Danielle had spent most of the day feeling anxious about Tommy's visit. To make matters worse, today had been her day off at the Garrison, so she had spent most of the day worrying about what the evening would consist of. Danielle put on one of the dresses she had found in the closet when she arrived. It was a blue two piece with a skirt, a light jacket, and a white blouse.

As the evening progressed, Danielle began to worry that perhaps Tommy had forgotten about the visit. Danielle was sitting on the couch, with the gramophone playing softly in the background when she heard a knock at the door. Before she could answer he was letting himself in, and now she was standing in the middle of the flat awkwardly.

He was soaked, and he looked tired. He had his cap in his hand and Danielle could tell he was in a sour mood. She couldn't think of anything to say, and so she poured him a glass of rum and set it on the table. As he walked across the room she asked, "how is your beautiful horse"

He shifted in his chair, and took a swig of the drink, ""I just put a bullet in his head."

"What a waste," she replied.

"Yep, a waste is what it is." The room was then quiet. He took another sip of his drink. "You know in France, I got used to seeing men die. Never got used to seeing horses die. They die bad." He poured more rum in his cup, and then slid it towards Danielle.

"I'm no stranger to death," Danielle said as she took a sip, "I dug out a dress like you asked," she took another sip, and Tommy pulled out a cigarette, "Its Cheltenham is it not. It's a grand affair"

"The king will be there"

"King George?" she asked

"No, King Billy Kimber and all his men," he replied. Danielle thought about what he was saying. She knew this event was for business and not pleasure.

"And what do you want me to do" she asked.

"For two pounds you'll do whatever I tell you to do"

"I want three"

"Since when"

"Since I saw you smile when I told you I pulled out a dress," she snapped back, "If the king will be there I will not be wearing a cheap dress." He snickered, a took a drag of his cigarette, looking at her, as if he couldn't decide what to do next.

"Right," he said, banging his hand on the table, "Do you dance?"

"If I am asked properly," Danielle replied.

"Will you dance with me, Danny?"

"Yes, let me pick a song," she said, walking over to the gramophone, trying to shake the sadness of the conversation from her nerves. Turning back to look at him, with a record in her hand she asked,

"Happy or sad"


"Okay" she said, picking a record from the shelf and putting on the gramophone, "but I'll warn you, it will break your heart"

"Already broken" he replied as he stood and extended his hand toward Danielle.

Together the pair danced, slowly, arms around one another. At first Danielle looked up at him, she could smell his cologne. Dammit that smell, she thought, it made her heart, mind, and body melt for him. He stared past her, as if he was looking in the distance.

Slowly, Danielle laid her head on his shoulder. When she did so he paused for a second. Danielle worried that he did not like that she had done so, but in reality Tommy heart leapt when Danny laid her head on him, so much so that for a split second he had forgotten how to dance.

The pair stayed like that, embracing and swaying for the duration of the song. Even when the song ended, and the gramophone was going around in circles with nothing to play, the pair continued to dance. The pair danced, smoked, drank, and talked well into the night.

In the early morning, the two sat beside each other on the sofa, and slowly, as the early morning progressed, Danielle drifted off to sleep leaning against Tommy who had one hand around her shoulder. He picked her up, and carefully moved her to her bed. Bringing the comforter up past her waist, he kissed her forehead, closed the curtain, and then left the flat as briskly as he had entered.

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