Chapter 18 - Silence

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One Week Later

Together, Danielle, Polly, and Esme delivered Ada's baby that very night. Polly took the lead as Danielle had never delivered a baby on her own. Esme identified that the baby was the wrong way round and adjusted the baby's head to be the correct orientation. Danielle felt flustered, this was the one time in her career as a nurse where she wasn't the one in charge. Danielle had been studying up though, and had an after care plan for both Ada and baby Karl -as in Karl Marx- in mind.

That's why she was so upset when moments after the successful birth of the premature baby, Freddie Thorne was dragged out of the Shelby house by coppers, the assumption being that Tommy had been the one to give him up. In the aftermath of Freddie's arrest, Danielle took it upon herself to seek justice for Ada and baby Karl. She charged into the Garrison in a fit of rage, storming through the bar to find Tommy and upon seeing him she tried to slap him. He caught her wrist and restrained her while she kicked and yelled. Though Tommy was adamant it was not him who gave up Freddie, Danielle didn't believe him. Regardless, Danielle figured that even if he was telling the truth, he also didn't do anything to prevent Freddie's arrest either. Since then, Tommy and Danielle had unspokenly paused all forms of physical and emotional contact, in other words, Danielle was giving him the silent treatment.

Danielle was visiting Ada and the baby everyday. She was the only one Ada would allow into her flat. Everyone else was, as she put it, "connected to Tommy by blood."

Danielle and Polly had arranged their schedules to accommodate two tea times a week instead of one. Danielle knew it was because she was the only one allowed to visit Ada. For the most part, their discussions involved women's business and the boys left the two women alone. That was until today, one week later, when Arthur Shelby burst through the front door of the Shelby home laughing, with a guest - Arthur Shelby Sr., Danielle had learned.

Now the two women standing around the kitchen table were quietly examining the father of all the Shelby men, including Tommy. Danielle knew this man meant trouble, especially since Arthur seemed to be the only one in the room advocating for his estranged father.

Upon seeing her, Arthur Sr. removed his hat in greeting, and kissed Danielle's hand. It made Danielle, John, and Polly uncomfortable, meanwhile Tommy had not yet arrived,

"You must be Miss Virtue, Tommy's..."

"Friend," Danielle cut him off, "Tommy's friend." Although Danielle wasn't looking at her, she knew Polly would be rolling her eyes. Polly knew the two of them hadn't talked since Karl's birth.

"Oh ya they're friends alright," John snickered and Danielle gave his arm a light smack. That shut him up.

Arthur stood and made the man a bloody sandwich for christ's sake, and to make matters worse the man prayed before he ate. Danielle internally reeled while Polly outwardly scoffed.

"Pollyanna, I am the head of this family and a guest in this house."

"The head of the family ain't here," Danielle was quick to defend Tommy.

As soon as she did so, the man himself walked through the door. He looked at Danielle, then at his father,

"Ay well, speak of the devil," his father began, "how are you son?"

"Get out," Tommy commanded coldly.

"Come on son, I'm a changed man."

"This family needed you ten years ago, and you walked out on us. Not now, get out."

"Tommy he's changed," Arthur started.

"It's alright. Arthur Shelby doesn't stay where he's not welcome," the man grabbed his coat and hat, "quite something you've become," he said to Tommy, before ruffling Finn's hair, "Bye son," and with that he was gone. Danielle thanked Polly for the tea and then left, she knew this was a family affair.

The Garrison - Arthur

Back at the Garrison Arthur bullied through the doors, "Grace, I'm taking 5 pounds in petty cash, alright?" he said, as she was counting out her cash-out and going through the Garrison's books.

"We don't have 5 pounds in petty cash," the blonde replied.

"Then I'll take what we've got."

"Arthur, there are things in these books I don't understand. Every week we pay 1 pound, 10 shilling to a Daniel Owen."

"Ah yes, Danny Whiz-bang, hangs around the pubs in Camden town for us."

"I thought Danny Whiz-bang was dead."

"You thought wrong, didn't ya." Arthur stated, not thinking anything of it.

The Garrison - Danielle

The next day Tommy came into the bar. He stood by the countertop drinking, while Danielle worked. She didn't greet him. When he realized Danielle was ignoring him he finally spoke, "You were right."

"I'm sure I was, but about what this time, Tommy?" Danielle asked.

"The girl, Grace, she was a spy," Tommy lit a cigarette, "I took her to church like you suggested."

"I knew she'd go with you," Danielle said as Tommy raised an eyebrow, it was as if they shared a second nature in common, one that involved having a keen eye for trouble, "And, what is she?"

"She's a protestant."

"Is she going to leave town?" Danielle asked.

"I told her she has until sunset tomorrow."

Danielle was relieved that Tommy finally took action. Danielle and Polly had long suspected that Grace had ulterior motives. Danielle relaxed a bit behind the bar, "And here I was thinking you thought I was jealous."

"You thought wrong."

Danielle smiled and continued working. They had talked more in the last five minutes than since Ada delivered her baby. Tommy watched her as she worked, "You know you don't have to keep working here if you don't want to," Tommy said, though not directly to her.

"I know, but the work keeps me busy, and it gives me people to talk to."

"If I had asked you to quit, would you?" Tommy asked.

"No, I wouldn't," Danielle replied, "I need to have a job, Tommy. A real one. Otherwise I would go mad."

A man then walked into the bar and stood beside Tommy. Danielle couldn't hear all of what was being said, but she could make out the man's thick Irish accent. It was even thicker than Grace's. Danielle overheard the man say he was part of the Irish Republican Army, and she knew that only one thing was interesting about Irish business - and that was the guns. As she heard the conversation grow more intense she figured there was no way this man was protestant.

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