Chapter 11 - Mistress

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TW - Physical Violence


When Danielle first arrived in Small Heath, she feared walking alone through the streets at night, and for good reason, too. Almost always there would be some man, or even a group of men, stumbling drunk through the streets. And if not a drunk man, there were other people with more heinous intentions, wandering about.

But now, a month after her arrival, Danielle noticed that not all, but some of the people of Small Heath started to react abnormally when she passed by. Some stared at her, while maintaining a safe distance, others tipped their hats to her as they cleared a path for her to pass, and mothers crossed the street with their children. Danielle wondered if the people of Small Heath were beginning to associate Miss Virtue with the Peaky Blinders.

Danielle made her bed. She was still reeling from the drama of yesterday. Though she may disagree with Tommy and his ways of making people cooperate, and though she could not be one to speak of Ada's predicament when she herself had entered an arranged relationship with a man who could not decide how he felt about her, Danielle agreed that the best solution would be if Freddie were to marry Ada. 

Getting dressed, Danielle slipped on her gray overskirt. As she paused to look at herself in the mirror, Danielle couldn't believe how bruised her arm was from the Inspector's visit to the church. She decided that something was seriously off about that man. She pulled a black blouse with buttons over her head and tucked it into her skirt. Then she grabbed the gray jacket that matched the skirt and walked through her front door.

That was when 3 bluejacket coppers came around the alleyway corner. Danielle went to reopen the door, when a 4th man put his arm between Danielle and the open angle of the door,

"Miss Virtue, we are long overdue for a discussion," it wasn't just any cop.

Danielle turned to face him, "you know inspector, there are other ways to go about having a conversation that do not involve making someone late for work."

"Being late for work should be the least of your concerns," Campbell said, as the three other coppers approached. Danielle ducked under the inspector's arm trying to run away. One of the bluejackets stepped in front of her and she ran into him. She punched him and he stumbled back. The man quickly recovered and the bluejacket put one arm around her stomach and another over her mouth.

That was a bad move on his part, Danielle thought as she bit down as hard as she could on the man's hand, "fucking bitch!" he yelled and released her. Danielle turned to run and another Bluejacket landed a punch squarely on Danielle cheek bone. She fell to the ground, unable to determine if the blood she was tasting was her own, or if it was the copper's.

Without saying a word, two bluejackets grabbed onto her arms and dragged her into the ally along the side of the flat. Danielle could see the remaining copper, the one she bit, reeling in the street, holding his bloody hand. Danielle smiled to herself, proud of her work.

"Miss Virtue, what do you know about my Holy Grail?" The inspector asked, Danielle stared at the cobbles.

"What makes you think I know anything," Danielle said, the two men holding her arms firmly against the brick wall.

"While you're Tommy's whore aren't you," Danielle knew he didn't know of the agreement. He must've thought they were sleeping together after seeing Tommy leave the flat, "You associate with the Devil himself, now it's time to accept the consequences of your actions," the copper said.

Danielle raised her gaze to look directly at Campbell, "I don't know anything about your Holy Grail," she repeated, and he grabbed onto her jaw extremely tight to ensure she wouldn't look away from him.

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