Chapter 24 - Endeavour

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One Year Later

Danny grabbed her coat from the hook by the door and slung it around her shoulders without doing it up. She grabbed her purse and before she walked out the door she paused to look at herself in the mirror. She examined her deep red lipstick, and found herself noticing all of the changes the features of her face had undergone since she was a child. She still had her defined and full eyebrows, her glowing green and brown eyes, her freckles that were scattered over the bridge of her curved nose. It was still her face, she thought, but though it was so familiar there was no mistaking that it did have new lines, specifically around her eyes and her smile.

She scoffed at herself in the mirror in disgust that she cared about such things. Then she walked out the front door and closed it behind her. She walked across the street towards the betting den.

"Good morning, Mrs. Shelby," a man greeted her as he tipped his hat.

She turned to look at him as she walked by, "It's Miss Virtue, not Mrs. Shelby."

"My apologies, Miss."

She opened the front door of the Shelby house and walked into the kitchen, "Good morning, Pol."

"Good morning, Danny," Polly said as she stood and handed Danielle a cup of tea, "Sounds like it will be a busy day today."

"Aye, are you sure you're okay with me leaving you today? I won't be back until this evening."

"Yes, of course I am, besides it's not everyday your little brother turns 18."

Danielle smiled.

"Is the boy still planning on coming here then?"

"I love my brother," Danielle took a sip of her tea and walked towards the doors to the gambling den, "But, if he sets foot in this city before he graduates from school I'll take his eyes meself."

She threw the doors to the gambling den open and with it noise of people chattering, betting, and working, poured through the doorway into the house. Danielle walked through the gambling den surveying what was happening.

"You look beautiful, Danny," Tommy said as he walked out of his office.

She smiled at him. It's like he knew she had been eyeing herself up in the mirror at their home, "Thank you, Tommy."

He approached her from behind and put his arms around her, "I have to go Tommy, but I'll see you later tonight, after I get home from Manchester."

"You're sure you don't want me to come with you?" Tommy asked as he got out a cigarette.

"Yes, I'm sure, you should stay," she pulled out her lighter and lit his smoke for him, "Lord knows if we both leave this city will turn to dust."

She expected Tommy to laugh but instead he ran the cigarette along his lips before he took his first drag, "Drive safe, love."

She turned to go out the door the same way she came in, "Don't let the place fall apart while I'm away," she hollered at Polly who laughed in return.

Family Meeting - Tommy

"Eh this ain't no family meeting," Arthur quipped as he leaned back in his chair, "Where the hell is Danny, Tom?"

"Danny won't be attending this meeting, Arthur."

"Why the bloody hell not then- eh?"

"Because Arthur, I have a plan, and right now Danny is not a part of that plan."

Arthur shifted in his chair. This made him a touch uncomfortable.

"Now tonight," Tommy looked at Polly as he began to speak, "I have some business to attend to at the Garrison, so Arthur, at 5:00pm you will have to close up shop and kick everyone out. From that point on Polly and Ada will take over. How are we on that front?"

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