Chapter 5 - Dance With The Devil

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Danielle burst through the front door of her flat. She barged into the kitchen where she plunged both folders onto the table in front of her. With shaking hands she grabbed a bottle of gin out of the cabinet. It was one of the only consumable items Dannielle had in the flat. Most other items, including food, she couldn't afford enough of to have any stored in the flat. She didn't know if her hands were skating because of what he had said, or if they were shaking as a result of simply being in his presence.

Danielle sipped her gin and sat on her kitchen chair. She knew that she would accept one of Tommy's offers, but she did not know which.

As she sipped Danielle thought about why she came to Birmingham, and how important it was to her that she provide for family. As she rocked in her chair, glass in hand, a letter on the table caught her eye. It was from her mother and had arrived three days ago, but Danielle had been too afraid to open it.

Danielle thought about her mother and father. Though she tried her best to never think about men, and the possibility of one day having a family, Danielle knew that if she were to love a man she would want her relationship to be like her parents: pure, genuine, reciprocated love. But, she thought, she also wanted to experience excitement, passion, and adventure.

Danielle thought about what her parents would say about Mr. Shelby's offer. She knew they would disapprove. Tommy Shelby was a gangster and a criminal, he was dangerous, and you need not go further than to see how the people of Small Heath act around him to understand that his ambitious reign was just beginning. But, he was also attractive, calculated, and intelligent, and these are traits that Danny and he had in common. All that aside, her parents would also disprove of her stealing in the first place. Danny was not a thief, she regretted taking what she had taken from the Shelbys; criminals or not, stealing from anyone is not okay.

The more Danielle drank, the more she thought about what her life had been like. For a long time, Danielle helped raise her siblings. She had worked day in and day out to help her mother take care of them while her father was at work. Then everything changed when she went to France. There she was responsible for caring for the most ravaged, injured, and dying soldiers every waking hour. She saw men's lungs and airways ruined by mustard gas. She saw men's limbs be blown off. She saw impactions caused by shrapnel that were life ending. She knew what it was like to be in the trenches: to survive, all the while caring for the whole battalion.

All her life, Danielle realized she had spent her time caring for others.

Maybe it was the gin, and maybe it was the frustration about her situation, Danny did not know. All she knew was that maybe it was time for her to take control of her own life, and to make a decision that would not only provide for her family, but also fulfill her aspirations.

Danny thought about the first time she saw Tommy, about 3 weeks ago. "Are you a whore" he had said; Danny wondered if maybe that was what he still thought. Then she thought about all the times Danny had gone to the betting den. She remembered his eyes watching her, examining her, as if he was intrigued by her. As if it was possible for him, someone who was so intriguing himself, to be intrigued. Danielle knew since their first conversation that she had liked him, though she would not admit it to herself or anyone else.

She opened up the second, thicker file and began reading the terms that he had outlined in the contract.

In exchange for intimacy, Miss Virtue will be compensated with a flat and weekly allowance, close to Watery Lane.... Miss Virtue will engage in sexual acts with the plaintiff when deemed appropriate .... At any time, should they both agree the contract may be terminated...

Lastly she read:

Miss Virtue will not engage with other men in a romantic setting, nor will she date other men for the duration the contract is valid.

Thursday Morning

The next morning, Danielle walked through the betting ring, straight towards Tommy's office with a folder in hand. Without knocking she opened the door and saw him standing, looking out the window. His suit jacket was off, and he was smoking, watching the people on the street below.

"Miss Virtue," he said.

"Mr. Shelby I have thought about both of your offers. I understand what both entail," she walked across the room and set the folder down on his desk "I have filled this one out," Tommy walked over to his desk and opened the folder, revealing the first page. "And I accept your offer, Mr. Shelby," Danielle shifted in her chair while Tommy remained standing, "but I have conditions" Tommy put his cigarette on the ashtray on his desk. Danielle could smell his cologne. It was the same as the one he had worn the night that he walked her home from the Garrison, "we give the arrangement one months time. At the end of this time, should either of us want to terminate the agreement we do so," she stated "and I want to keep working at the Garrison."

Tommy sat in his office chair, "As long as you can uphold your end of the agreement, I have no problem with either amendment" he opened the drawer of his desk "and, should our contract be terminated, my first offer of employment still stands." Danielle relaxed a little more in her chair. She thought it was kind of him to keep the first offer available to her should she get cold feet.

Tommy pulled something out of his desk and gave it to her, "this a key, to a new flat that will be much more suitable for you and your work."

"Thank you, Mr. Shelby, and please know, I intend to take my work seriously" Danny stated as she rose from her chair.

"I will stop by on Friday night, Miss Virtue, and please, call me Tommy" he said as she turned to leave.


After she left he sat back down in her chair. He thought about the first time he saw her. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was beautiful: her long, light brown hair, her tall slim stance. Not only that but she was smart, smart enough to steal from him for three weeks undetected.

She too had been in France, Tommy recalled from his search. He wondered if she also had nightmares about the war like he did. Tommy sighed and picked up the folder. He thought about what John had said about it being time for Tommy to take a woman. Tommy thought that beyond pleasures of the flesh, the relationship - no, the agreement, would take Tommy's mind off of France.

He opened the folder she had left and looked at the first page. Even her signature was elegant, he thought. Though he was surprised that she had accepted his offer, he was delighted. Tommy felt lust for Danielle, amongst other things, though he would not admit it. I am a businessman, he thought, and this was nothing more than a transaction.

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