Chapter 40 - Here We Are

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A Few Days Later

Tommy led the pair as they descended a spirally set of stairs into the basement of the building. It was old, and had a sense of character to it that new builds just couldn't replicate. Wooden accents gave life to the doorways, the walls, and the railing Danielle held as they walked down the stairs.

At the bottom Tommy paused for a second to look back at her before they started walking down the hall. It was as if he needed the reassurance that she was still behind him, backing him up. When they turned the corner they saw Campbell waiting for them at the end of the hall and both of their paces slowed as their expressions grew more sullen.

"You two love birds might think this is a curious spot for me to propose a meeting," Campbell adjusted his cane and it thumped against the hardwood floor, "but the surprises have only just begun."

Danielle shot a glance at Tommy when Campbell turned to open the door to an adjacent room. They walked through the room and saw two people sitting at a table, a man and a woman. Danielle didn't recognize them, but it became clear that these two people were Irish. Danielle glanced at Tommy again to read his expression. A stranger wouldn't have been able to read his face, but she was no stranger. From his expression she gathered that Tommy knew them.

"You're working together," Tommy's tone was raspy, "Blowing up the Garrison was your idea." He turned his head to the side, Danielle could tell he was pissed off, "That's funny, I thought, you fenians had a policy, eh, of not mixing the personal with the political."

"That's enough," the woman said in an Irish accent. Danielle couldn't quite describe it, but it was as though she sounded even more Irish than Campbell. Danielle noticed how the man sitting next to her was looking at her somewhat menacingly, as if he was plotting. Danielle knew the only person she could trust in this room was Tommy.

"I think I'll decide on what is enough," Campbell said as Tommy walked over to the table.

"Who's in charge here then," Danielle said as her body came to life after being lost in her own thoughts, "Who's in charge, is it you?" She walked to the table and pointed at Campbell, "Because it doesn't bloody seem like it."

"Let me understand this," Tommy said as if to prevent Danielle from getting too involved, "You answer to an agent of the Crown?"

"Perhaps we can-"

"Very interesting," Tommy said, cutting Campbell off.

"Is it you," Danielle said as she turned to point at the woman, "Because that seems more like it eh, and it sure as hell isn't you," she said as she pointed to the man beside her.

"Well you are really more arrogant than him, ain't ya," the woman spoke.

Danielle regained her composure and stood up straight.

"You do not speak to her like that," Tommy said as he turned to point at the woman, "You do not."

"Perhaps we can stick to the agenda," Campbell pleaded.

"Whose agenda?" Danielle asked, "Whose words."

"Just come to order," Campbell asked.

"I'm here to listen, but not to the fucking infantry," Tommy spoke sharply and looked directly at the man at the table. Danielle could tell that Tommy didn't like him either.

"Can we just conduct ourselves," Campbell said, but Danielle could tell Tommy was passed that, "No one here wants to breathe the same air as anyone else."

"Nevertheless-" Campbell started.

This time it was Danielle who cut him off, "Nevertheless, the pro-treaty paddies and the King want the same man dead."

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