Chapter 4 - Disposition

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The Next Day - The Garrison

It was nearly closing time and Danielle was cleaning the bartop when Thomas Shelby walked into the bar. His face was cold, as if he was purposefully displaying no sign of emotion so that Danielle wouldn't be able to read him. "Good evening, Miss Virtue," Tommy stated.

"Good evening Mr. Shelby, how are you" She stated as she turned to pour Tommy a glass of rum.

"You know, Miss Virtue, I think the better question to ask is how are you?" he explained as he took a cigarette out of its case and ran it across his lips "and what are you doing in my city?" he asked while he lit the smoke.

"I'm working" She explained honestly, "I have a family in Manchester that I send money to."

"Birmingham is not a place for a young woman to find work to feed her family," Tommy stated.

"Neither is Manchester," Danielle defended while Tommy finished his drink.

"Lock up Miss Virtue, I know its closing time, and Birmingham is no place for a woman to walk home alone at night, I will walk with you" Tommy said, although to Danielle it sounded as though Tommy was giving an order, rather than offering.

"Thank you Mr. Shelby" Danielle said, going along with what Tommy had asked. She knew that if this man were to know about what she had been doing, or rather, what she had been stealing, she would likely have to answer for her crime. Tommy's unreadable facial expression was not soothing Danielle's anxiousness.

The pair walked out the front door of the Garrison, and Danielle locked the door behind them, "Mr. Shelby you really do not have to walk me home if you do not want to, I would hate to keep a busy man from his work" Danielle explained.

"No, Miss Virtue, I insist" He stated, and together the pair continued to walk down Watery Lane, towards her apartment. While the pair walked, Tommy held onto Danielle's arm with his own, and Danielle noticed how the people who were out on the street at this hour parted for Tommy and her to pass.

As they approached her flat Tommy said, "Who do you send the money to in Manchester, are you married?"

"No, I send the money to my mother and three siblings. My father died in France," Danielle explained, and as she finished talking, Tommy moved around Danielle, as if to stop her from running down the lane.

"Tommy, I..." Danielle said,

"You see, Miss Virtue, I have done my research on you and your father was not the only member of your family who served in France," Tommy interrupted.

"That's true, I worked as a nurse in France," She said.

"A very good one at that, if they were willing to send you across the channel to die with the rest of us"

"Ay," Said Danielle.

"This is why, as someone who also served in France, I was so disappointed to see that you would be deceitful" Tommy said, stepping closer to Danielle. She could feel his breath on her cheek and even smell his cologne.

Unafraid, she stared him right in the eyes 'Deceitful, Mr. Shelby?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, love. I know what you've been doing in my shop, and I also know that you are not a dumb girl, so tell me, why did you think you could steal from the Peaky Blinders and get away with it" Tommy said as Danielle held her breath.

"I needed the money," She explained.

"Yes, you did. You see I also know that you sent this money directly to your family in Manchester, and that is why I have chosen to let your crime go unpunished. You are a survivor, like me, and if you really need a job that pays more than being my barmaid, you can come see me at my office tomorrow" He said, stepping away from Danielle as she finally began breathing again.

"And Miss Virtue," he continued, "do not steal from me again." He then turned towards the street and disappeared into the night.

When she got into her flat, Danielle could not believe what had occurred. Her heart was racing, and her breathing was heavy, stumbling into the kitchen she opened the bottle of wine sitting on her counter and took a swig from the bottle.

Then she started to think about what Tommy had said, and about the money she had stolen. Danielle wondered if she should pack her bags and leave Birmingham that night, or if she should go to the office in the morning and see what Tommy has to say.

The Next Morning

As she walked into the betting shop, Danielle was immediately spotted by Arthur, "Angel! What brings you here," he exclaimed while awkwardly hugging Danielle.

"I'm here to see Tommy," She said.

As if on cue, Tommy then walked out of his office, "Miss Virtue, please come in" he said holding the door for Danielle to walk through.

"Please sit," Tommy stated, and Danielle sat in a chair across from Tommy's desk,"I wasn't sure you'd come."

"Well I would hate to be predictable," Danielle teased as Tommy pulled out a cigarette and two files from his desk drawer.

"Miss Virtue, I know that you have a family that you are supporting, and I know that you are a nurse" Tommy started, "I also know that you are savvy with numbers, and as such you were able to hide what you had stolen in our books. That is why I have two offers of employment for you. The first offer is that you leave your job at the Garrison and you work in the betting shop full time" He said, putting the first folder closer to Danielle. "The second offer," Tommy started, "is that you and I create a personal arrangement in which your services are offered for security both physically and financially." He then placed the second, larger folder, closer to Danielle.

Danielle was shocked. She did not know what to say. Here was Birmingham's most notorious criminal, offering Danielle not one, but two employment choices. Danielle let the words 'personal arrangement' and 'services' turn over in her mind.

"And to be clear, services, meaning"

"Sex, Miss Virtue. You would be offering me sex, companionship, and the occasional partnership to events in exchange for enough money for your family, a roof over your head, and a sizeable allowance for necessities" Tommy answered. "To be clear, Miss Virtue, you are welcome to take my first offer, which should provide you and your family with enough money to ease your worries, and any other tendencies you may have while working in our shop," Danielle shifted in her chair. "If you are going to pick the second option, it should be because of your own free will and desires, and not because of the financial value of the position - this is your choice, Miss Virtue."

"Take both files home, think about your options, and when you are ready, return the file you have selected to my office with your signature" Tommy concluded.

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