Chapter 38 - Birmingham Police Station

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The Next Day

The thing about being engaged to Thomas Shelby is that he doesn't apologize. At least, not out loud. And as such, when Tommy came to bed the last night, he slipped under the covers, careful not to disturb Danielle, who he thought was already asleep next to him.

Lucky for Danielle, today was the day that Tommy would be gone with the other boys to the horse auction outside of London. Not only would she have time to be away from him, but she would also have time to make a trip to central Birmingham. She knew there were only two people who knew what Campbell and Tommy were up to, and it seemed Tommy wasn't going to be the one to let her in the know.

She waited in bed until Tommy got up and got dressed. While he did so she laid still, pretending as though she was still asleep. She heard him clear his throat. She heard him pick up his gun holster as the metal from the handle knocked against the wooden chair. Lastly, she heard his tie flip around its loop and hit Tommy in the chest.

Thinking he was gone she went to open her eyes, but before she did she felt her side of the bed get weighed down as Tommy leaned over it. Without saying a word he kissed Danielle on the cheek. She then felt his weight lift off the bed, heard him walk to the bedroom door, and close it quietly, as if he didn't want to wake her.

Thirty minutes later Danielle walked through the front door of the Shelby house, "So they're off then?" Danielle asked Polly who was sitting at the kitchen table staring at the wall. She was zoned out in thought.

"They're off," Polly took a drag off her cigarette but didn't remove her eyes from where she was looking. Danielle paused, she knew she must be worried about Micheal going with the boys.

"They'll have each other," Danielle said, "they'll stay out of trouble together, Pol." Danielle reasoned, hoping James would do as she had asked. "Tommy will make sure of it," she added for good measure.

"Like hell he will," Polly said as she started moving again, putting her cigarette in the ashtray on the table, "Don't think that all of Small Heath couldn't hear you two arguing last night."

Danielle walked through the betting den and Polly followed her, "Pol, I really don't want to talk about it."

She threw her hands up in the air and stopped, "You two are the bloody same, you know. That's why you fight."

"You know what," Danielle said as she slammed her purse down on her desk, "I can't do this today. That man is keeping stuff from me, and I won't have it. Not while I'm carrying his baby."

She started marching towards the door and before she left she heard Polly call from behind her, "You're only mad because what I said was true."

"Fuck it," Danielle said as she slammed the door behind her and stepped out onto the street.

Dave and Steven perked up after hearing her yell, "Everything alright, Miss?" Dave asked.

"I'm not feeling good," Danielle said as she fiddled with her gloves, "I'm going to go lay down."

The trio walked back across the street to her house and when she walked into the house they stayed outside as they usually did.

Only this time when the door closed Danielle didn't take off her jacket and go upstairs. This time she kept it on, walked across the house, and out the back door.

For the first time in weeks, Danielle felt free as she set foot onto the Birmingham street. No protection, no men, no problem. She took a big breath, held it for a second while she stopped and looked up at the sky, and then all at once she exhaled - letting go of all the tension from the last few days.

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