Chapter 35 - Get To Work Soldiers

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The Next Day

Tommy held out his hand and Danielle stepped off the barge and onto the shore of Camden Town. When she did so Danielle felt a shiver go up her spine and she hugged her navy fur lined coat around her. Winter would be coming soon and she was glad she brought her black leather gloves with her.

"This way," Danielle told Tommy as she walked towards the front door of the bakery. The place looked different this time around; men lined the street and the docks as they packed boxes onto boats. Surely, these men were Tommy's new recruits. Her coat swayed in the wind as she led Tommy to the back door of the building, the one with the swinging door.

As they approached the door Danielle and Tommy were greeted almost immediately by Solomons himself. Upon seeing him Danielle couldn't help but let a smile slip, "Well well well if it isn't the lil' dove." He said with outstretched arms that seemed to welcome her before he turned to look at Tommy, "I see you've brought your man."

"Alfie," Danielle said in a serious but calm tone, "This is my fiancé Tommy."

At first Danielle wasn't sure what would happen next. The intensity of the moment seemed to hang in the air like cigarette smoke that lingers. Alfie stroke his beard with his hand before he extended his hand towards Tommy "You're girl is fuckin' crazy mate," he said as he shook Tommy's hand.

Tommy nodded his head slightly to the side and took a breath, "She plays by her own rules."

"Come love birds," Alfie said as he turned to walk down the hall "This way."

He led the couple back into the room where Alfie offered Danielle rum the last time she was in Camden Town, "We make lots o' bread here, ya, lots of it, tell him Miss Virtue," Alfie said as he walked down the hall with his distinct limp - every other step making a heavy thud.

"10,000 loaves a week I was told," Danielle said as she looked further down the hallway at all the men lining up in the center of the building.

"Here," Alfie said as he poured a glass of white rum, "Try this," Alfie handed Tommy the glass and he drank it.

"It's good, smooth," Tommy commented.

"Of course its fuckin' good, eh. I made it and it's for the bosses," as he talked he expressed himself by moving his free hand through the air, "I would offer some to your Mrs., but given her condition, and the fact that she's currently growing the next Shelby leader in her body, I wouldn't think it wise."

Tommy looked at Alfie and then at Danielle and when he did so he clenched his jaw, "No, Mr. Solomons, it wouldn't be."

Alfie led them through to the main room where men were gathered in the center of the building, "Alright boys," Tommy started talking as he paced back and forth across the room. Danielle stayed standing next to Alfie while Tommy instructed the men. "You've all been enrolled as bakers in the Aerated Bread Company of Camden Town." He stopped and pointed at the group of men with his cigarette, "If anyone asks, that's what you do. You're bakers. The coppers in Camden Town are on our side, but North or South you show them that piece of paper. Tell 'em you've come down from the North to find work. To break strikes. We're finding lodgings for you, but for now you'll sleep here in the bakery." Tommy paused for a second to get out a cigarette and light it, "Don't touch any of the bread, it'll most likely explode." He took a drag off of his smoke, "Any questions?"

A middle aged man in the front row raised his hand. Fucking idiot. Danielle thought as she rolled her eyes. She glanced at Alfie who was leaning against some barrels. His facial expression made it clear that was just as impressed as she was.

Tommy exchanged glances with Danielle before he turned back to the man, "Yes?"

"I haven't even seen any bread," the man said as the other men laughed.

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