Chapter 39 - Devil Waiting Outside Our Door

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Danielle was sitting in her office drinking tea when John and Arthur came bursting through the front door of the Shelby house, bantering and laughing. Danielle rose from her chair to greet them when she realized that Arthur was covered in blood.

She quickened her pace over to the other side of the room, "What happened, who's hurt?" she asked.

"A fucking wop that's who" John hollered back as Danielle lifted Arthur's arms to examine him to be sure it wasn't his blood.

"Where's Tommy?" Danielle asked, it seems she wasn't the only one who caused some trouble today.

"Charlie's yard," Arthur replied, "Talking to Uncle Charlie and Johnny Dogs."

Satisfied that he was not hurt Danielle let go of Arthur's arm and took a step back, "The boys saw this," she said as she realized that James and Micheal had also been in harm's way, "They wanted Tommy?"

"Seems so," John said in a more serious tone.

Danielle wanted this war with London to be over. She wanted it to be done. But Epsom was still months away and with it Tommy's plan.

Later That Night

When Tommy returned to Watery Lane that night he felt exhausted. But, because of his recent fight with Danny, he didn't want to go home yet either. He walked up to his office to pour himself a drink and think.

Only when he opened the door to his office, someone was sitting in his chair; he had his pistol halfway out of its holster before he realized it was Danielle. She knew he'd come here.

"Christ's sake, Danny I nearly shot you," he said as he reholstered his weapon and adjusted his suit jacket. He walked into the room and poured himself a drink before sitting adjacent to her, in front of his own desk.

"Do you have a cigarette," Danielle asked as she stood from the chair and walked towards the window in his office.

Tommy raised his eyebrow, thinking about what could have brought this on. Regardless he held a cigarette out in her direction. She accepted it before pushing the window open and sitting on the sill.

"You went to see him today," Tommy said with his usual blank expression. His tone was not infuriated, or angry, but controlled and direct.

Danielle shifted her gaze away from the window and back towards him, "I needed to know." She crossed her hands over the still unlit smoke.

"And now you know?"

"Now I know," Danielle breathed.

"And?" Tommy asked, making eye contact with her now.

"What's the plan?"

Tommy got up from the chair and walked over to where Danielle was sitting on the window. He pulled out his matchbox, struck one, and motioned for Danielle to light her smoke. She did so, and after he remained standing in front of the window. For a few seconds silence hung in the air like a dense fog, "At Epsom," Tommy spoke quietly, "On Derby day. He will be there, and so will the king." Danielle looked up at him and watched him take a cigarette out for himself and light it, "When a shot is fired every copper in the building will flock to protect the King."

Danielle took a drag from her cigarette, "Only the king won't be the target," Danielle said firmly but calmly. She knew about what was in the news lately, how restless the Irish had grown, how desperate they were. It wouldn't be too far-fetched for your average copper to think that an Irishman would go after the King.

Tommy looked down and his eyes met hers, "Something like that, eh." He looked up one more time as he blew his smoke towards the window, "There are only a few minor details to take care of before the day."

"We will take care of them," Danielle said as she straightened her back a little more, "And we need to do something about Campbell. And Sabini, for that matter. Before the baby comes."

The fog of silence returned again, this time it held the room still while the two smoked and thought.

"I'll be at nearly 8 months then." Danielle said as she stood from her seat on the windowsill and slowly began walking towards the door. She realized that Epsom was six months away. The baby would be but a few weeks from arriving. Before she left the room she stopped in the middle of the floor and turned back in his direction, "I need you to be around to meet your baby Tommy."

He turned around to face her, "I will be, eh?" he said as he walked over to her.

"I'm sorry I went behind your back, Tom," Danielle said as Tommy put his hands on the side of her face, "But there's a devil waiting outside our door and we need to do something about it."

He looked her in the eyes and without saying another word he pulled her towards his chest, "We will."

After Danielle had left his office he sat back down in his large leather desk chair. He could smell hints of her perfume lingering in the space. It intertwined with the scent of cigarette smoke, and whiskey that had wafted out of his glass and into the air. He leaned back and put his hand to his brow to rub it. After a moment, he reached into his suit jacket pocket and pulled out a business card, flipping it over in his hand:

Carlton Stud

Breeding & Bloodstock

Proprietor - May Fitz-Carlton

The Next Morning

Danielle walked up the dusty walkway of the grave yard with an envelope full of cash tucked in her jacket. It was a cold morning now, and there was no doubt that the seasons had changed and winter had arrived. She felt the breeze lift the hem of her skirt just enough that it sent a chill up her body. Perhaps the only two things that Dave and Steven, otherwise known as the entourage, as she had dubbed it, couldn't protect her from were herself, and the cold Birmingham air.

As she turned the corner she could see two women crying next to the gravesite; the grave of the boy who died in prison at the hand of Sabini's men. The boy who'd died for the Peaky Blinders. Two Peaky boys stood at the head of the grave with shovels. And although Danielle didn't know their names they nodded when they saw her approach.

When the two women saw her they both approached her. She wasn't sure which woman was the boy's mum, or rather the person who 'does what mums do' as the boy had described it to Tommy, but when the ladies approached her she could tell that one of them was physically angry. The other worked to calm-no, hold back, the angry one from Danielle.

Reluctantly the angry woman took a few steps back and resumed sobbing, while the other lady stepped forward. Danielle handed her the envelope, told her how sorry she was for their loss, and then nodded at the Peaky Boys to start shovelling dirt back on the grave.

When it was done, Danielle and the entourage turned back down the dirt path towards Small Heath. Only then, as she walked away did Danielle get emotional. Surely she would love her child as much as those ladies loved that boy. She erased all signs of emotion from her face before stepping foot into Peaky territory.

Even though you couldn't tell from looking at her, her mind continued to spiral. What would happen if something were to happen to her child? How would she feel? No, Danielle thought, Tommy wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't. He would protect them, provide for them, and be loyal to them. Surely he would - wouldn't he?

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