Chapter 41 - May Carleton

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The Next Day
Danielle sauntered through the bullpen of desks and people laying bets as she walked towards her office. She hated arriving late to work; when the doors were already open and the swarm of Birmingham people who eagerly awaited spending their earnings on race horses had already flooded her business. There was no moment of peace, no second for her to catch her breath and get her bearings on the day before it started.

She put her clutch down on the table and took off her hat, "Busy day already, Esme?"

"Aye. You know it's okay for you to take a break for a while, Danielle. We can handle things here while you're growing that baby inside of you," As she spoke Esme didn't take her focus off her work.

"That's what I'm afraid of," Danielle said in a half serious, but flippant tone. She smiled at Esme and then began making her way to her office. She closed the door and sat in her chair.

Less than a minute later Lizzie opened the door, "There's a man here for a position. Said they're here about a position as an accounts clerk," Lizzie remained in the doorway of Danielle's office as she spoke.

"Very well, Lizzie," Danielle reclined in her chair and let her hands cover her face. She felt tired, and she was unsure if it was the baby or the fact that she couldn't stop thinking about her and Tommy's meeting with Campbell. And the Irish. "Send them in."

After a few seconds Micheal walked into her office. Danielle sat straighter in her chair, realising what was happening, "Micheal, the vacancy has been filled." Danielle stood and turned to walk around the desk to open the door and escort Micheal out.

"Not according to this morning's paper," he tossed the paper on her desk and sat in one of the chairs across from hers.

Danielle stopped walking and turned to face him.

"At school I was the top of the class in mathematics. And I did a night course in accountancy at Worcester college."

Regardless of the fact that he may be qualified for the job, there was no way that Polly would allow such a thing. He sat in the chair and she couldn't help but think how small he looked, how innocent. He reminded her of James. Young and unsullied with no war to have fought in. She sat back down in her chair.

"Mum says you've had six different accountants in the last six months, and that you're training Jamie but you still need someone. When respectable men see what goes on here they leave, but I already know what goes on here."

"Hmm," Danielle said, "I wonder what your cousin is going to think about this."

"I know you want to be 80% legal in three years, James told me. Let me help you and Tommy."

"Does your mum know you're here, Micheal?"

Danielle waited for the boy to respond but he merely fiddled his thumbs in his hands. Danielle stood up, grabbed the phone from the corner of her desk and set it down in front of the boy, "Call her, tell her why you're here. Then you can talk to him yourself."

Danielle walked out of her office and up the stairs to Tommy's. She pushed through the double set of doors and felt the haze of smoke from inside fill her lungs.

"Missed you this morning," Danielle said as she walked into the room and sat in one of the chairs across from Tommy's.

He looked up from the paper he was reading and raised an eyebrow, "That's what happens when you sleep past seven."

Danielle smiled and he got up from his chair and walked over to her, putting his hands on the edge of the chair and leaning over her, "I wouldn't be so tired if it weren't for the consequences of your actions, Mr. Shelby."

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