Chapter 27 - Polly

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One Week Later

The sun was barely beginning to peak over the row of homes on Watery Lane when Danielle walked through the doors of the Shelby house. When she did so she saw Polly passed out at the table; it was clear, judging by the empty rum bottle next to her, that Polly had been drinking heavily. Danielle looked at what she was seeing and sighed. She knew Polly had been struggling over the course of the last week. Unsuccessfully, Danielle had tried to get Polly to tell her what was bothering her by insisting that she could tell Danielle what was worrying her in confidence.

Then, yesterday, Esme came into her and Tommy's home to tell her what she had heard from a woman in the wash house that morning. Polly had been to see psychic about her children, who may or may not both be dead. 'Gypsies talk to each other' is what Esme had said when she explained what had happened. Polly had been conned by the supposed psychic and when Danielle heard this her heart dropped into her stomach - Pol must've been desperate, and this woman a deceiver. Polly told Esme that she would kill her if she told Tommy, and as a result, Esme reacted by telling Danielle instead. It was a smart move really, Danielle was much more delicate when it came to matters of the heart.

Now, as she looked at Polly passed out on the kitchen table she knew something must be done. She kicked the table and Polly awoke with a startle "Danielle" Polly exclaimed while Danielle grabbed a pot and lit the wood stove.

"Get up, get changed, and wash your face by the time this tea is done boiling," Danielle demanded. "We have to talk, whether you like it or not."

10 minutes later the women were back at the table and Danielle had poured them both tea, "Here," Danielle said as she passed Polly a cigarette, "I think you need this," she spoke quietly so as not to wake the boys in the house. "Pol, I know you've not been happy for some time now. And I know why," she passed her the lighter.

"How would you know?" Polly asked.

"Esme is alright you know, she's got a good heart and I've spoken to her. She told me what happened and what it is that would make you happy. Now, I have made contact with a person who I trained under before I went to France who used to be part of the parish. And, this person has friends who have access to records about adoptions," Danielle leaned forward in her chair, "And confidential forced removals. Now, Pol, I won't do anything without your permission, you know that."

Polly adjusted in her chair and then looked back at Danielle, "Pol, I'm going to find you son and daughter and I'm going to bring them home."

Polly didn't say anything in response, all she did was lean forward and reach out for Danielle's hand as tears filled her eyes, "We're moving up, Pol," Danielle said as she held Polly in her arms.

One Week Later

Danielle was walking to the Marquis with Scudboat and Lovelock. Now that Tommy was making his move on London, he had assigned extra men to watch her, the house, the Shelby house, and Ada. Though Danielle thought it a bit ridiculous that she be followed by two of the biggest blinders all around Small Heath, she understood why Tommy felt it necessary. Although she didn't like it, it was still better than being locked up in the house and Tommy had made it abundantly clear to her that that was the only alternative.

When she walked into the bar the room went silent. She had been here a few times with Tommy since the explosion at the Garrison, but not often enough that the regulars at the pub had gotten used to the sight of her. As she stood at the bar counter, Scudboat and Lovelock sat at a table behind her. She appreciated their ability to remain unnoticeable to her movements while also being a visual threat to anyone who may wish her harm.

"Whiskey please," Danielle asked the bartender who quickly moved her order to the front of the line.

"It's good to see you, Miss Virtue," replied the bartender as he passed her her drink, "Where's Tommy?"

"That's a question that even I don't have an answer to," Danielle said as she sipped her drink. It was nice to make conversation with someone who wasn't a Peaky Blinder. Almost everyone else in the city was too afraid to talk with her. She had been deceitful to him though, she knew where Tommy was. He was with his brothers raiding one of Sabini's pubs, The Eden Club, they called it. That was why she came here in the first place, to get a drink and calm her nerves. She couldn't sleep anyways, not with Tommy away.

"Let's go boys," She said as she turned to leave. As she did so she heard the noise pick back up to its normal level.

The Next Morning

Danielle slung her gray coat with a fur neckline around her shoulders. It matched the gray dress that Tommy had ordered for her a day prior. She opened the front door of their house and realized that she must've forgotten to lock it the night before. Not that it mattered anyways, there were two blinder's outside her door.

"Have we met before?" Danielle asked the men.

"No, Miss Virtue, I don't think so," one of the men replied.

"I'm Dave," one of the men replied.

"I'm Steven," the other said as he tipped his peaky cap.

"Well, Dave and Steven, enjoy your morning," she said as she walked across the street towards the Shelby house. Both men began to follow her, "Would you relax?" She said, "I'm just walking across the street." The men turned to stand back outside of her and Tommy's doors. She felt bad, she knew they were just following orders.

"Good morning, Pol," Danielle said as she walked into the Shelby house, "You look well this morning." She did look well, much better than the last time Danielle had seen her this early in the morning. It seemed she was sleeping again and drinking less.

"I feel well this morning," Polly replied as she poured water in the pot so it could steep, "Have you made any progress?"

"I have, yes. Next week I have a meeting in London with someone who has access to parish records."

Polly nodded in response and it seemed to Danielle that she didn't want to talk about the subject anymore, so she decided not to push it, "Do you have anything to eat, Pol?"

Polly stopped pouring and put the kettle down to think about what Danielle had said, "There's bread and jam in the pantry cupboard."

Danielle walked over to the pantry cupboard and got out some bread and jam. She spread the jam on her piece and then sat at the table to eat it.

"Have you been feeling well lately, Danielle?" Polly asked and Danielle thought it was weird she wasn't calling her Danny.

"Yes, I've felt fine, besides the fact that I can't sleep with Tommy gone."

Polly spun around quickly to face her, "Let me read your tea leaves, I haven't done it for ages."

Danielle thought it sounded more like she was telling rather than asking, "I didn't know you read tea leaves."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," Polly said as she set the tea pot on the table. She then grabbed a tea cup and set it in front of Danielle, "Pour."

Now I know she's telling. Danielle poured tea from the pot into the cup, "Now swirl the cup." She did as Polly asked, "Think about the man you love. Imagine your white wedding dress."

"Is this some sort of trick, Polly?" Danielle asked.

"Do as I say, now pour the tea from the cup back to the pot," Danielle did as she said, curious now about what Polly would say. Pol held out her hand and Danielle gave it to her before she continued eating her slice of bread.

"What does my future say, Pol?"

"Danielle," Polly spoke and she stood a little straighter "No more hard alcohol, only stout. And when you see Tommy tell him I need to speak to him."

"What did the leaves say, Pol?"

"Do as I say," Polly called as she walked through to the gambling den.

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