Chapter 32 - On Solid Ground

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When Polly walked down the stairs from Tommy's office, through the gambling den, and up into the house, Danielle knew that she was upset. When she saw the people she was working with look at Polly and then at her she stood from where she was working to go after her, but before she could Tommy came down the stairs.

He didn't say anything, and when her eyes met his she immediately knew why. She watched as his silence cut through the room of workers like a fine tuned blade that was pointed directly at her. He then started walking towards the door that separates the work space from the home and she followed him, "You can all go home," she spoke and the den quickly emptied as he opened the door to the home and held it so that she could pass through first.

After she did he passed through behind her and closed the door. He then sat at the kitchen table - the one he grew up around - and looked up at her, "Tommy I-"

"She told me about the baby," he looked up at her with wide eyes, his expression no longer blank, "Why didn't you tell me? That day in the hospital when you came to see me, why Danny?"

Danielle sat in the chair opposite of his and put her hand on his knee, "I knew that if I told you, you'd never let me leave to Camden Town."

"You could've been killed," he said as he put his hand over hers, "Our baby could've been killed with you." Danielle began to cry as she listened to the sadness and despair in his voice. Perhaps it was cruel of her to keep such precious information from him.

"Tommy," Danielle said as she pulled her chair closer to his, "You knew when you gave me this ring what I was like. I couldn't just sit in Small Heath while you were in and out of consciousness and do nothing. Are you not happy about what happened in Camden Town?"

"We need the partnership with the Solomons."

"Then is it the baby you're not sure about?"

Tommy looked her in the eyes and for a second Danielle was scared about what he would say next, "How could I be unhappy about that eh?" He stopped to point at her, "You and that baby are the best thing that's ever happened to me." He pulled out a cigarette and a match, "But, Danny, I'm scared. This isn't just extra now, you know? We're going to have a family. A little one."

This isn't just extra now - those words resonated through Danielle's head as she thought back to her time with Tommy at the flat. So much has happened since then. She agreed, this was no longer just extra; all that mattered now was the baby. She leaned her forehead against his, "A baby Tommy," she cried tears of relief now that she was no longer keeping it a secret from him.

"A baby," he repeated, "And I thought I couldn't love you anymore."

Later That Night

It was late now, and when Danielle and Tommy walked through the door of their house they found Arthur on the sofa, with his head between his hands. He was disheveled looking, and rightfully upset about what he had done.

"Head's like a fucking boat, Tommy," Arthur looked up from where he was sitting to see his brother.

Danielle sat on the chair across from the sofa and looked at Arthur, she wasn't sure about how to handle this situation. Matters of the head are always so much harder to treat than matters of the body. Tommy continued to stand and look at his brother.

"Full of heavy cargo, like coal or iron, sometimes it slips to one end," Arthur continued and Danielle could tell he was becoming more upset, "And I can feel the boat tipping. It's like my head is just this big fucking barge and it just drifts." Danielle watched him grab his head with both his hands, "In and out, in and out." She looked up at Tommy.

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