Chapter 9 - Debt Repaid

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Still upset about the morning's events, Danielle decided to go to the betting ring to pick up her weekly allowance. She wanted to do so this morning, as the peaky boys, and more importantly Tommy,  were away at the fair.

"Little odd for a barmaid to be picking up a cheque from Tommy's secretary isn't it," Polly said as she sat at the table in the gambling den reading the paper and eating breakfast. Danielle had hoped her visit would go unnoticed with the boys away.

"Ay, I've been doing a little bit of work on the side for Tommy," Danielle replied.

Polly wasn't entirely sure what to make of Danielle. She had helped Arthur home when he otherwise would have slept on the street. She had no problem telling anyone off when they are acting inappropriately, whether it be in the bar while Danielle was working or in the Shelby home when she patched up Arthur. There was no doubt that she was a skilled and experienced nurse. But at the same time, Polly questioned whether or not Danielle would steal from the family again.

Danielle then walked over to Polly, "I've been doing a bit of work for Tommy, so that I could give you this." She passed the small satchel of money from her allowance onto the table in front of Polly, "What I owe, plus interest. I reckon you know what it's for.".

"Was it Tommy's idea for you to give your earnings to us?" Polly asked.

"No, it was mine. I feel ashamed about what I did and I hope this can make it even."

Polly sighed, it was as if she was dealing with the female version of Tommy. Polly then put her paper down, and put out her cigarette, "Danielle I want you to come to church with me today?"

"You want me to go to church with you, Polly?"

"Yes, it seems Tommy has taken a liking to you, and I think I'm starting to see why," she stood from her chair, looking for an opportunity to get to know her more. "Come with me and we will light candles for the Garrison boys who didn't make it home."

Danielle followed Polly "alright, let's go light some candles, then." Danielle thought she could get to know Polly more, and if nothing else she could light a candle for her father.

The pair walked to the church and as they walked people were quick to move out of their way. Danielle saw how people reacted when the boys walked by. Though the people of Small Heath feared them, it was almost as if they feared Polly more.

When they went to the church they began to light candles. Danielle told Polly about her father and she helped her light a candle for him. Danielle asked Polly about Tommy and what he was like before the war, "I know he was a tunneler," Danielle revealed.

"Ay, and a good one at that, the boy won medals for gallantry," Polly stated; not as if she was proud of Tommy, but rather that his bravery was a statement of fact.

"I know that he also has nightmares," Danielle turned away from the candles and towards Polly, "like me."

Polly looked at Danielle with her mouth open as if she was going to say something when suddenly the door opened and in walked a man with a trench coat and a circular hat; Danielle knew this must be the inspector.

"I see you specials only dare come here when you know the boys are away at the fair," Polly says coldly.

"You mean your nephews. With their guns and their razors? Is it them you're lighting candles for," Campbell said in his thick Irish accent.

"No. We're lighting candles for the boys at the Garrison who lost their lives in France" Polly responded. Danielle followed Polly's relaxed demeanour and continued to light candles. She wondered if the inspector knew she was involved with Tommy.

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