Chapter 17 - Wedding

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One Week Later

Danielle stepped out of the flat and onto the street. It was beginning to get colder out and fall was approaching. As she walked away from the flat, Danielle could tell that something was different. Everywhere she went people were looking at her: men tipped their hats, women looked her up and down and gossiped as they went about, but regardless of who they were, everyone made sure to move out of her way.

As she walked down the street, Danielle saw Lizzie Stark carrying groceries on the sidewalk. Remembering her conversation with John, Danielle crossed the street to approach her.

"Those bags look heavy, would you like some help?" Danielle asked.

Lizzie stood to look at her, and upon seeing her, her facial expression changed, "No thanks I can manage."

"Look Lizzie, I just want to talk. I know that you care about John and I care about him too." Danielle quickened her pace to keep up to Lizzie, "I'm not going to try and talk you out of it."

Lizzie stopped to face her, "You're not against us?"

"I have no say in who John marries, Lizzie."

"I suppose not."

"How are you getting on with the kids," Danielle asked, "What are their names again?"

Lizzie turned to keep walking, apparently that was a hard question to answer, "I don't want to lose him, he's a good man."

"Ay, that he is. But it's not just him who is included in the deal, is it Lizzie?" Danielle asked. Lizzie was overwhelmed by the thought of John's children, and this conversation wasn't helping, "He has four kids, John. Four kids who he says he cannot control, who are running barefoot with the dogs at all hours of the day, is that what you want for yourself Lizzie?"

Lizzie stopped walking, "I love him, okay."

"And I believe you. The problem is that when you marry John you marry his whole family, too." Danielle grabbed a basket of groceries from her, not in an abrupt or rude manner, but in one that made it clear to Lizzie that she wanted to help, "Look Lizzie, I respect that you are a kind and honest woman whose intentions in regards to John are true. But, if you cannot confidently say, with the utmost certainty that you are prepared to raise his children in addition to your own, then maybe this is not what is best for anyone involved," Lizzie turned to keep walking down the street, Danielle followed her with the basket of groceries in hand.

"You can make your own decision Lizzie, but I'm still going to carry the basket home for you," Lizzie gave Danielle a soft smile, perhaps the girl was right after all.

That Night

Tommy came into the apartment and walked over to where Danielle was sitting on the window sill. She passed him her cigarette, which he accepted and took a drag from.

"I believe I owe you a thanks," Tommy exhaled the smoke and passed it back to Danielle.

"For what, Tommy."

"Lizzie Stark called the engagement off this afternoon," Tommy explained.

"Ah, perhaps I did have a hand in that," Danielle said, exhaling smoke out the window.

"She said she did it for the children," Tommy continued, "so thank you, Danny."

He walked over to the kitchen counter and poured two glasses of Whiskey. He then walked back to the window and passed one to Danielle.

"Let's make a toast," Tommy said.

"To what?"

"To my brother getting married," Tommy led on.

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