Chapter 34 - Michael

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The Next Morning

"It's for your own good Danny, and the baby's," Tommy said as he leaned against the fireplace mantel in their bedroom with a cigarette in his hand.

"It's a little ridiculous is what it is," Danny said as she pulled up her tights and continued to get dressed.

"Look, all it will be is Dave and Steven, I've hired them particularly because I know they're good at their jobs and they won't bother you." As he talked he motioned with the hand that was holding the cigarette, "I've also put two men on the house to watch when Dave and Steven are gone."

"I knew it was more than just Dave and Steven, you should have led with that because now I think it's all ridiculous, four men Tommy, really?" Danielle said as she put on her shoes and then stood up from where she was sitting on the bed.

"Love, I know you don't want this, but I'm not really asking," Tommy walked over and put his hands on Danielle's arms. For a second she could smell his cologne and she felt her body melt into his as she leaned into him and put her head on his chest, "This London business is dangerous, we know that. And so long as you have my child inside of you, you'll be protected."

Danielle rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to stop working, Tommy."

Tommy wasn't very fond of the idea, "Danny."

"It's what I want," Danielle said as she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes, "if you're going to make me be followed by two men at all times."

Tommy raised his eyebrow at her, "Are you trying to make a deal with me, eh?"

"Unless you're going to chain me to this house, I'm going to be working. You can either have me do it unknowingly against your wishes, with no protection, or knowingly and with protection."

He kissed her on the lips, "With protection it is then, eh," he said as he walked towards the door. Before he left the room he turned back to look at her, "But so we're clear, chaining you to the house is still on the table."

Danielle grabbed her hat and followed him down the stairs, "You know, you're really not as funny as you think you are."

When they stepped out onto the street Dave and Steven were already on the walkway, "Hello boys," Tommy said as he shook both of their hands and gave them money.

"Tommy we just talked about it, how are they already here?" Danielle said to him somewhat annoyed as she followed him across the street.

"Like I said, I wasn't asking, I was telling," he opened the door to the Shelby house and held it for her to pass through.

When she stepped into the house she paused in the doorway. Tommy wasn't sure what made her pause until he came up behind her and saw Polly sitting at the table with a young man who had dirty blonde hair. Polly was sitting at the table pouring the boy tea. Immediately Danielle knew this must be Micheal; he was about James' age, he had a clean looking suit on, and a clear face.

Tommy walked around Danielle with a smile on his face, "Micheal, it's good to see you."

Danielle walked around the table to join Tommy, "Micheal, this is my fiancé, Miss Virtue."

"Call me Danielle," she said as she shook the boy's hand. Danielle looked at Polly and for the first time in a long time, Polly looked like she was genuinely happy.

Suddenly the door flew open and hit the wall and John and Arthur galavanted into the room with their guns drawn and pointed at one another, "bam you're dead, John," Arthur said before Danielle cleared her throat to get his attention and he saw the boy standing in the room and stopped what he was doing.

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