Whispers in the wind

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There she stood staring at him, waiting for him to do something,

His hand shook while holding the weapon, keeping both hands on it, he hasn't had this feeling ever since he killed his first Raider, where a part of him rejoiced as the man died drowning in his blood and that red river pushing through the sands, was it a raider? he couldn't remember anymore, funny many say they can't forget the face of the first man they've killed, he's already forgotten a long time ago. 

He got his head back in the game, deciding to whether or not to kill this woman, not sure if there are consequences down the line later on, consequences, he'll deal with them later surely the things here cannot be worse than the wastelands.

"Give me one good reason not to shoot you dead."

"You don't." 

his hand shook harder, his thoughts clashing against each other, like fighters in an arena, his head started beating, his hand lost all strength to hold on to the weapon 

Explosions rocked his personal radio, The radio screamed into his ear, barking orders, the unholy screams of weapons and grimm, metal clanging against one another, grunts and screams

"Steele, what do you want?" 

"Vale's under siege." 


"The White Fang's fighting alongside the Grimm, I've had to call in my mercs and slashers to try to protect my property." Steele had always referred to her personal army as "slashers" the best huntsmen and huntresses money could buy, kitted with the best equipment, they were nearly unmatched in the field, only rivaled by Ozpin's elite, the Striked teams, Salem's Greatest, her phantoms, and the crowns, descendants of the surviving royalty of the age of heroes. 

"The perimeter can barely hold up, there's too much grimm and the white fang just set up a no fly zone in and out of Vale." 

"What the hell do I need to do?" 

"Find a way in, get me out." 

Carolyn only stares at the courier, 

"Is- Is it happening?"


A single word, gave the young pulse horrible-horrible thoughts, a few teams can't contain Case Green, this was Cinder's no- The shadows of the Queen's way of dealing a fatal blow to Ozpin, all of their resources that were already not predisposed to hold down fronts around the world, were being used here, They never expected this to come, they never expected a frontal assault on a city that was deep into Ozpin's territory 

"What do you know?" the courier asked inquisitively 

"I-I already told Ozpin everything." Her eyes were bug-eyed, she figured that Ozpin's forces were too few to actually make an impact, as most of the teams that are present are either aging, unexperienced students, and the ones that are able to fight, effectively are- by this point locked out of the city, or spread too thin to actually attempt to push back and take back the lost districts, and the daggers of the Queen will cause and maximize collateral damage, thousands of people are already dead. 

A bullhead bearing Steele's personal mark landed not far from where they had their stand-off, Carolyn couldn't care less about scratchings on the side of the airframe

"Then, Ozpin could-" the courier interjected, the figure still held respect for the aging headmaster 

The both of them entered and made themselves comfy 

"At this point, grimm are going to be swarming every known outpost remotely near the major cities, if the Garrisons in the cities can't repel the hordes, it will cause a cascade of retreats all through the front, and that means the elites not enroute to Vale are going to have to push back the waves of grimm, Vale's on it's own." 

"Then Ozpin's more incompetent than-" 

"He's more capable than most of us, merc. He has been at war for the past few years, keeping up the morale of the cities, reclaiming lost land from the grimm and pushing back the never ending darkness that is the grimm, I don't see you single handedly pushing back an endless horde by yourself." 

"I'll show you lot what I can do." he murmured 

Soon the bullhead joined a formation of other crafts, varying in shapes and sizes

"Pilot, what's going on?" 

"The smaller cites are sending aid to Vale, ones that aren't under siege from grimm anyway."

The pilot looked surprised and then rechecked his radio, like he heard something unbelievable 

"What? What do you mean? No! I'm carrying something that needs to go to vale asap! Are you joking? Reconfirm! Damnit!" 

"What happened?" 

"Vale's being sieged by the grimm." 


"Yeah, they've completely cut off the city. Atlas army that haven't turned are currently trying to pin the grimm siege army, so the relief army can get through." 

"Why don't you fly over it?" 

"WIth Nevermores and Flying grimm taking to the skies? Yeah, That's a great way to meet your ancestors, A gigantic furball of fighter aircraft and grimm is right above vale, so there's no way through but breaking through the grimm siege army." 

All of a sudden the clear blue beautiful skies became an ominous orange and the clouds darkened as ashes merged with the sky, and the courier set eyes on something he thought he'd never see

Vale ablaze.


So anyway the path ahead is going to split just this one chapter though, it's extremely tiring creating a chapter for every split, so I'm not gonna do that, this chapter is the canon one, the other one is for the guys who think this is just another thinly- veiled revenge fantasy against James from school who stole my seat right next to my crush Hailey Smith, (FUCK YOU JAMES FROM SCHOOL), in all seriousness, this app has been saturated with revenge fantasies and such so I'm gonna try to avoid that, the last chapter was an attempt to show the sheer stupidity (or something I dunno  i was sleep deprieved when I thought of that one) of revenge fantasies, I mean, the protagonists are so unironically edgy, for the ones who think (but you've set this up as a revenge fantasy!) I have a thought for you, every chapter (that isn't a spin-off thing like the last one) is canon but not everything that happens in that chapter is true, since characters remember events differently or straight up made shit up in that time period and not one character is infallible, not even you. 

and with that I'll see you guys in the next one  

Courier Six (RWBY X Fallout New Vegas)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon